To recompile and reinstall wpasupplicant using GNU-TLS instead of OpenSSL on Ubuntu (and derivated distros):
sudo su
cd /usr/src
apt-get install devscripts
apt-get build-dep wpasupplicant
apt-get install libgnutls-dev
apt-get source wpasupplicant
We then open the file /usr/src/wpasupplicant-x.x.x/debian/config/linux and replace
Then write a changelog so the package doesn't get overwritten by the one on the repositories, by running:
dch -i
and, still as root, recompile and install:
cd /usr/src/wpasupplicant*/
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b
cd ..
dpkg -i wpasupplicant*.deb
and reset network-manager for changes to take effect:
service network-manager stop
killall -9 wpa_supplicant
service network-manager start
To hold the package so it doesn't get updated, just in case, run:
aptitude hold wpasupplicant