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Last active February 22, 2025 07:31
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Ultimate FreeNAS 11.3 iocage Setup


I will be moving from FreeNAS jails to ubuntu with docker, docker compose, and portainer. FreeNAS support and updates are lacking. There are many advantages to making the switch and with ZFS on linux I think FreeNAS may be a thing of the past. Stay tuned for a new guide of my latest setup. Check out my other gists for progress on the switch.

WARNING READ THIS: This page contains incomplete and possibly incorrect info. The page is constantly being edited and worked on. Many of these should work but some may be broken. Read the code carefully to understand what you are doing, stuff may be need to be changed for your own use. This includes but not limited too JAIL AND ROUTER IPs, YOUR FREENAS MAIN VOLUME,THE MOST RECENT RELEASE OF DOWNLOADED FILES Use at your own risk.There may be helpful info in the comments.

Find me in the FreeNAS forums

Thanks to the creator of this guide

Setup Structure

myVol > media >  -series
                 -downloads > -radarr
                              -recycle bin   

READ THIS: I have pool named myVol. I created a dataset named "media" and GAVE IT PERMISSIONS of the the default freenas user media:media. The dataset contains the folders series,movies,downloads. Radarr, Sonarr, Transmission will need to run as the user media:media to have access to them, this is very important and should not be overlooked. I also have a dataset named "apps" to hold the config data.


READ THIS: For Sonarr, Radarr, Transmission you will have to change the default user to media:media so the jails can work together properly.

Use the name of your plugin instead of PLUGIN

service PLUGIN onestop
chown -R media:media /usr/local/PLUGIN (this location might be different for some of the apps)
sysrc 'PLUGIN_user=media'
sysrc 'PLUGIN_group=media'
service PLUGIN start

My current setup (dates show the last successful test):

Ombi and Unifi have been moved to docker containers in Rancher. See my other guide here



# Create the jail
iocage create -n "plex" -r 12.1-RELEASE ip4_addr="vnet0|" defaultrouter="" vnet="on" allow_raw_sockets="1" boot="on" 

# Update to the latest repo
iocage exec plex "mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos"
iocage exec plex "echo -e 'FreeBSD: { url: \"pkg+\${ABI}/latest\" }' > /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf"

# Install Plex and dependencies
iocage exec plex pkg install -y plexmediaserver

# Mount storage
iocage exec plex "mkdir -p /config"
iocage exec plex mkdir -p /mnt/media
iocage fstab -a plex /mnt/myVol/apps/plex /config nullfs rw 0 0
iocage fstab -a plex /mnt/myVol/media /mnt/media nullfs ro 0 0

# Set permissions
iocage exec plex chown -R plex:plex /config

# Enable service
iocage exec plex sysrc "plexmediaserver_enable=YES"
iocage exec plex sysrc plexmediaserver_support_path="/config"
iocage exec plex service plexmediaserver start


iocage create -n "transmission" -r 12.1-RELEASE ip4_addr="vnet0|" defaultrouter="" vnet="on" allow_raw_sockets="1" boot="on"

iocage exec transmission pkg install -y transmission

iocage exec transmission mkdir -p /config/transmission-home
iocage exec transmission mkdir -p  /mnt/downloads
iocage fstab -a transmission /mnt/myVol/apps/transmission /config nullfs rw 0 0
iocage fstab -a transmission /mnt/myVol/media/downloads /mnt/downloads nullfs rw 0 0

iocage exec transmission sysrc "transmission_enable=YES"
iocage exec transmission sysrc "transmission_conf_dir=/config/transmission-home"
iocage exec transmission sysrc "transmission_download_dir=/mnt/downloads/complete"

iocage exec transmission "pw user add media -c media -u 8675309 -d /nonexistent -s /usr/bin/nologin"
iocage exec transmission "pw groupadd -n media -g 8675309"
iocage exec transmission "pw groupmod media -m transmission"
iocage exec transmission  chown -R media:media /config/transmission-home
iocage exec transmission  chown -R media:media /mnt/downloads
iocage exec transmission  sysrc 'transmission_user=media'

iocage exec transmission service transmission start
# you may need to change the white list in settings.json to or set to your preferred settings

Sonarr V3

iocage create -n "sonarr" -r 11.2-RELEASE ip4_addr="vnet0|" defaultrouter="" vnet="on" allow_raw_sockets="1" boot="on" 

# update to Latest Repo
iocage exec sonarr "mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos"
iocage exec sonarr "echo -e 'FreeBSD: { url: \"pkg+\${ABI}/latest\" }' > /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf"
# install pkgs
iocage exec sonarr pkg install -y mono mediainfo sqlite3 curl
# mount storage
iocage exec sonarr mkdir -p /config
iocage exec sonarr mkdir -p  /mnt/downloads
iocage exec sonarr mkdir -p /mnt/series
iocage fstab -a sonarr /mnt/myVol/apps/sonarr /config nullfs rw 0 0
iocage fstab -a sonarr /mnt/myVol/media/downloads /mnt/downloads nullfs rw 0 0
iocage fstab -a sonarr /mnt/myVol/media/series /mnt/series nullfs rw 0 0

# download sonarr
iocage exec sonarr ln -s /usr/local/bin/mono /usr/bin/mono
iocage exec sonarr "fetch '' -o /usr/local/share/sonarr.tar.gz"
iocage exec sonarr "tar -xzvf /usr/local/share/sonarr.tar.gz -C /usr/local/share"
iocage exec sonarr rm /usr/local/share/sonarr.tar.gz
# Media Permissions
iocage exec sonarr "pw user add media -c media -u 8675309 -d /nonexistent -s /usr/bin/nologin"
iocage exec sonarr "pw groupadd -n media -g 8675309"
iocage exec sonarr "pw groupmod media -m sonarr"
iocage exec sonarr chown -R media:media /usr/local/share/Sonarr /config
iocage exec sonarr  sysrc 'sonarr_user=media'

# create rc.d
iocage exec sonarr mkdir /usr/local/etc/rc.d
iocage exec sonarr "ee /mnt/iocage/jails/sonarr/root/usr/local/etc/rc.d/sonarr"
# use rc.d below


# $FreeBSD$
# PROVIDE: sonarr
# KEYWORD: shutdown
# Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf
# to enable this service:
# sonarr_enable: Set to YES to enable sonarr
# Default: NO
# sonarr_user: The user account used to run the sonarr daemon.
# This is optional, however do not specifically set this to an
# empty string as this will cause the daemon to run as root.
# Default: media
# sonarr_group: The group account used to run the sonarr daemon.
# This is optional, however do not specifically set this to an
# empty string as this will cause the daemon to run with group wheel.
# Default: media
# sonarr_data_dir: Directory where sonarr configuration
# data is stored.
# Default: /var/db/sonarr

. /etc/rc.subr
load_rc_config $name

: ${sonarr_enable:="NO"}
: ${sonarr_user:="media"}
: ${sonarr_group:="media"}
: ${sonarr_data_dir:="/config"}

command_args="-f ${procname} /usr/local/share/Sonarr/Sonarr.exe --data=${sonarr_data_dir} --nobrowser"

sonarr_precmd() {
if [ ! -d ${sonarr_data_dir} ]; then
install -d -o ${sonarr_user} -g ${sonarr_group} ${sonarr_data_dir}

export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${sonarr_data_dir}

run_rc_command "$1"

iocage exec sonarr chmod u+x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sonarr
iocage exec sonarr sysrc "sonarr_enable=YES"
iocage exec sonarr service sonarr start


iocage create -n "radarr" -r 11.2-RELEASE ip4_addr="vnet0|" defaultrouter="" vnet="on" allow_raw_sockets="1" boot="on"

# Update to Latest Repo
iocage exec radarr "mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos"
iocage exec radarr "echo -e 'FreeBSD: { url: \"pkg+\${ABI}/latest\" }' > /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf"

# Install pkgs
iocage exec radarr pkg install -y mono mediainfo sqlite3 curl

iocage exec radarr mkdir -p /config
iocage exec radarr mkdir -p  /mnt/downloads
iocage exec radarr mkdir -p /mnt/movies
iocage fstab -a radarr /mnt/myVol/apps/radarr /config nullfs rw 0 0
iocage fstab -a radarr /mnt/myVol/media/downloads /mnt/downloads nullfs rw 0 0
iocage fstab -a radarr /mnt/myVol/media/movies /mnt/movies nullfs rw 0 0

iocage exec radarr ln -s /usr/local/bin/mono /usr/bin/mono
iocage exec radarr "fetch -o /usr/local/share"
iocage exec radarr "tar -xzvf /usr/local/share/Radarr.v0.2.0.1217.linux.tar.gz -C /usr/local/share"
iocage exec radarr rm /usr/local/share/Radarr.v0.2.0.1217.linux.tar.gz

## Media Permissions
iocage exec radarr "pw user add radarr -c radarr -u 352 -d /nonexistent -s /usr/bin/nologin"

iocage exec radarr "pw user add media -c media -u 8675309 -d /nonexistent -s /usr/bin/nologin"
iocage exec radarr "pw groupadd -n media -g 8675309"
iocage exec radarr "pw groupmod media -m radarr"
iocage exec radarr chown -R media:media /usr/local/share/Radarr /config
iocage exec radarr sysrc 'radarr_user=media'
iocage exec radarr service radarr start
On Windows, you need to change the End of Line (EOL) format in Notepad++ to UNIX:

use ee editor or it won't work at least for me!
Create an rc file for radarr using your favorite editor at /mnt/iocage/jails/radarr/root/usr/local/etc/rc.d/radarr

iocage exec radarr mkdir /usr/local/etc/rc.d
iocage exec radarr "ee /mnt/iocage/jails/radarr/root/usr/local/etc/rc.d/radarr"


# $FreeBSD$
# PROVIDE: radarr
# KEYWORD: shutdown
# Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf
# to enable this service:
# radarr_enable:    Set to YES to enable radarr
#            Default: NO
# radarr_user:    The user account used to run the radarr daemon.
#            This is optional, however do not specifically set this to an
#            empty string as this will cause the daemon to run as root.
#            Default: media
# radarr_group:    The group account used to run the radarr daemon.
#            This is optional, however do not specifically set this to an
#            empty string as this will cause the daemon to run with group wheel.
#            Default: media
# radarr_data_dir:    Directory where radarr configuration
#            data is stored.
#            Default: /var/db/radarr

. /etc/rc.subr
load_rc_config $name

: ${radarr_enable:="NO"}
: ${radarr_user:="media"}
: ${radarr_group:="media"}
: ${radarr_data_dir:="/config"}

command_args="-f ${procname} /usr/local/share/Radarr/Radarr.exe --data=${radarr_data_dir} --nobrowser"

radarr_precmd() {
    if [ ! -d ${radarr_data_dir} ]; then
    install -d -o ${radarr_user} -g ${radarr_group} ${radarr_data_dir}

    export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${radarr_data_dir}

run_rc_command "$1"
iocage exec radarr chmod u+x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/radarr
iocage exec radarr sysrc "radarr_enable=YES"
iocage exec radarr service radarr start

Organizr V2

#Note to self: Make sure port forwarding is disabled before removing or rebuilding this jail

iocage create -n "organizr" -r 11.2-RELEASE ip4_addr="vnet0|" defaultrouter="" vnet="on" allow_raw_sockets="1" boot="on"

iocage exec organizr pkg install -y nginx git wget php72 php72-curl php72-pdo php72-sqlite3 php72-simplexml php72-zip php72-openssl php72-hash php72-json php72-session php72-pdo_sqlite php72-filter

iocage exec organizr mkdir -p /config
iocage fstab -a organizr /mnt/myVol/apps/organizr /config nullfs rw 0 0

iocage console organizr
echo 'listen = /var/run/php-fpm.sock' >> /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.conf
echo 'listen.owner = www' >> /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.conf
echo ' = www' >> /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.conf
echo 'listen.mode = 0660' >> /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.conf

iocage exec organizr cp /usr/local/etc/php.ini-production /usr/local/etc/php.ini
iocage exec organizr sed -i '' -e 's?;date.timezone =?date.timezone = "Universal"?g' /usr/local/etc/php.ini
iocage exec organizr sed -i '' -e 's?;cgi.fix_pathinfo=1?cgi.fix_pathinfo=0?g' /usr/local/etc/php.ini

iocage exec organizr git clone -b v2-develop /usr/local/www/Organizr
iocage exec organizr chown -R www:www /usr/local/www /config
user www;
worker_processes 1;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
sendfile on;
keepalive_timeout 65;
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
root /usr/local/www/Organizr;
location / {
index index.php index.html index.htm;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root /usr/local/www/nginx-dist;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename;
include fastcgi_params;
iocage exec organizr sysrc nginx_enable=YES
iocage exec organizr sysrc php_fpm_enable=YES
iocage exec organizr service nginx start
iocage exec organizr service php-fpm start

#important step Navigate to http://JailIP and set the follow the setup database location to "/config/Organizr" and Organizr for the database name. If you have an exsisting config file in the database location once you complete the setup restart the jail and login with you exsisting credentials.

# link my exsisting nginx config, you need to upload your own or edit the exsisting
iocage exec organizr service nginx stop
iocage exec organizr rm /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
iocage exec organizr ln -s /config/nginx/nginx.conf /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
iocage exec organizr service nginx start

#note to self renable port forwarding

I keep folders in /config for nginx,log,letsencrypt,Backups


iocage create -n "jackett" -r 11.2-RELEASE ip4_addr="vnet0|" defaultrouter="" vnet="on" allow_raw_sockets="1" boot="on"

# Update to Latest Repo
iocage exec jackett "mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos"
iocage exec plex "echo -e 'FreeBSD: { url: \"pkg+\${ABI}/latest\" }' > /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf"

iocage exec jackett pkg install -y mono curl

iocage exec jackett mkdir -p /config
iocage fstab -a jackett /mnt/myVol/apps/jackett /config nullfs rw 0 0

iocage exec jackett ln -s /usr/local/bin/mono /usr/bin/mono
iocage exec jackett "fetch -o /usr/local/share"
iocage exec jackett "tar -xzvf /usr/local/share/Jackett.Binaries.Mono.tar.gz -C /usr/local/share"
iocage exec jackett rm /usr/local/share/Jackett.Binaries.Mono.tar.gz

iocage exec jackett "pw user add jackett -c jackett -u 818 -d /nonexistent -s /usr/bin/nologin"
iocage exec jackett chown -R jackett:jackett /usr/local/share/Jackett /config
iocage exec jackett mkdir /usr/local/etc/rc.d

ee /mnt/myVol/iocage/jails/jackett/root/usr/local/etc/rc.d/jackett

# $FreeBSD$
# PROVIDE: jackett
# KEYWORD: shutdown
# Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf
# to enable this service:
# jackett_enable:    Set to YES to enable jackett
#            Default: NO
# jackett_user:    The user account used to run the jackett daemon.
#            This is optional, however do not specifically set this to an
#            empty string as this will cause the daemon to run as root.
#            Default: media
# jackett_group:    The group account used to run the jackett daemon.
#            This is optional, however do not specifically set this to an
#            empty string as this will cause the daemon to run with group wheel.
#            Default: media
# jackett_data_dir:    Directory where jackett configuration
#            data is stored.
#            Default: /var/db/jackett

. /etc/rc.subr
load_rc_config $name

: ${jackett_enable:="NO"}
: ${jackett_user:="jackett"}
: ${jackett_group:="jackett"}
: ${jackett_data_dir:="/config"}

command_args="-p ${jackett_data_dir}/ -f ${procname} /usr/local/share/Jackett/JackettConsole.exe -d ${jackett_data_dir}"

jackett_precmd() {
    export USER=${jackett_user}
    if [ ! -d ${jackett_data_dir} ]; then
    install -d -o ${jackett_user} -g ${jackett_group} ${jackett_data_dir}

    export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${jackett_data_dir}

run_rc_command "$1"
iocage exec jackett chmod u+x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/jackett
iocage exec jackett sysrc "jackett_enable=YES"
iocage exec jackett service jackett start


echo '{"pkgs":["python2","py27-sqlite3","py27-openssl","git" ," py27-pycryptodome" ,"ca_root_nss"]}' > /tmp/pkg.json
iocage create -n "tautulli" -p /tmp/pkg.json -r 11.2-RELEASE ip4_addr="vnet0|" defaultrouter="" vnet="on" allow_raw_sockets="1" boot="on"
rm /tmp/pkg.json
iocage exec tautulli mkdir -p /config
iocage fstab -a tautulli /mnt/myVol/apps/tautulli /config nullfs rw 0 0
iocage exec tautulli git clone /usr/local/share/Tautulli
iocage exec tautulli "pw user add tautulli -c tautulli -u 109 -d /nonexistent -s /usr/bin/nologin"
iocage exec tautulli chown -R tautulli:tautulli /usr/local/share/Tautulli /config
iocage exec tautulli cp /usr/local/share/Tautulli/init-scripts/init.freenas /usr/local/etc/rc.d/tautulli
iocage exec tautulli chmod u+x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/tautulli
iocage exec tautulli sysrc "tautulli_enable=YES"
iocage exec tautulli sysrc "tautulli_flags=--datadir /config"
iocage exec tautulli service tautulli start


Important files

Backup your entire apps folder

Common Commands

cd /directorypath	: Change to directory.
chmod [options] mode filename	: Change a file’s permissions.
chown [options] filename :	Change who owns a file.
cp [options] :source destination	: Copy files and directories.
ln -s test symlink	: Creates a symbolic link named symlink that points to the file test
mkdir [options] directory	: Create a new directory.
mv -i myfile yourfile : Move the file from "myfile" to "yourfile". This effectively changes the name of "myfile" to "yourfile".
mv -i /data/myfile :	Move the file from "myfile" from the directory "/data" to the current working directory.
rm [options] directory	: Remove (delete) file(s) and/or directories.
tar [options] filename :	Store and extract files from a tarfile (.tar) or tarball (.tar.gz or .tgz).
touch filename :	Create an empty file with the specified name.


iocage exec <jail> pkg upgrade <name of service>
iocage exec <jail> pkg upgrade && pkg update

iocage exec <jail> service <name of service> start
iocage exec <jail> service <name of service> restart
iocage exec <jail> service <name of service> stop

Default User Ports/UID/Location

radarr- 7878 - radarr (352) 
sonarr- 8989 - 
jackett - 9117 - jackett (818)
0rganizr - 80 - organizr (www)
plexmediaserver 32400 - plex (972)
transmission - 9091 -transmission (921) 
tautulli - 8181 - tautlli (109)
ombi - 3579 - ombi (819)
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zenxedo commented Dec 22, 2018

iocage exec plex "echo -e 'FreeBSD: { url: "pkg+\${ABI}/latest\" }' > /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf"

Great addition, thanks. Will make the change.

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shitrus commented Dec 23, 2018

Trying to set up plex and i get this error:

root@freenas:/mnt/iocage/jails/plex/root/usr # iocage exec plex "echo -e 'FreeBSD: { url: \"pkg+\${ABI}/latest\" }' > /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf"
Unmatched '''.

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Swizzy commented Dec 23, 2018

@shitrus try this one:
iocage exec plex echo -e 'FreeBSD: { url: "pkg+\${ABI}/latest\" }' > /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf

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Swizzy commented Dec 23, 2018

I'm stuck with jackett, I get to inputting "ee /mnt/iocage/jails/jackett/root/usr/local/etc/rc.d/jackett", but when i try to save the script, it says "unable to create file "/mnt/iocage/jails/jackett/root/usr/local/etc/rc.d/jackett"

Any help is greatly appreciated, this is the last thing i need to get installed to make my transition from my old NAS complete.

That'd be because there's a piece missing in the path, "/mnt/iocage/..." doesn't exist, it should be "mnt/myVol/iocage/..."

mow4cash edit: thanks, fixed it

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can anyone help me with the permissions? ive set up my pool at stated and even when i change my user to media in a jail it still doesn't want to work i keep getting access to path is denied in sonarr and radarr

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I setup my jails using this guide, thanks a lot for providing and maintaining this. This comment is my feedback on the guide :)

Sonarr / Radarr
I received an error when using EE as a text editor to create the rc.d for Sonarr and Radarr:
iocage exec sonarr "ee /mnt/iocage/jails/sonarr/root/usr/local/etc/rc.d/sonarr"
iocage exec sonarr "ee /mnt/iocage/jails/radarr/root/usr/local/etc/rc.d/radarr"

So I used "nano" instead by using SSH:
sudo nano /mnt/iocage/jails/sonarr/root/usr/local/etc/rc.d/sonarr
sudo nano /mnt/iocage/jails/radarr/root/usr/local/etc/rc.d/radarr

You are able to copy and paste the rc.d text you provided using this method.

I don't understand why these two lines are needed, because the Sonarr and Radarr plugins are running as the 'media' user which you created earlier. This 'media' user is the owner of the config and media folders. So I skipped them and the jails are running like they should without any problems.
iocage exec sonarr "pw groupmod media -m sonarr"
iocage exec radarr "pw groupmod media -m radarr"

I also created a 'media' group and user and run the application as this user. This way Plex has the right permissions for the media folder automatically.

Also be aware the instructions are different when you want to install the Plex Pass version of Plex Media Server. Maybe you could add the Plex Pass version instructions also? I used a combination of this guide and to install the Plex Pass version.

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shitrus commented Mar 1, 2019

Currently working on installing all of these in the 11.2 U2.1 releases and getting them to work in the same manner.

Still having issues with the repo file creation but that can be done manually with your favorite editor

Also, in the plex mounting of the directory /mnt/media on the plex iocage, you need to create that directory first, or use /media instead of /mnt/media

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Love this guide, thank you for writing it all down.

I use sabnzbd instead of Transmission, but largely i think I have the basic idea of how you're creating each iocage jail from the guide and I believe I can make it work real easily. I used the old pre-baked image path in v9->11.1 of the plugin install for it, I guess I should look and see if they have one in 11.2, but I'd rather build it myself.

If I get it working, I'll update this comment thread in the event you want to add it to your guide.

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Yakje commented Mar 20, 2019

Thanks for the great guide!! I am however running into a problem, when trying to get Sonarr V3 up and running. When i input the following step:

root@freenas[~]# iocage exec sonarr "fetch -o /usr/local/share"

I get the following error:
/bin/sh: -o: not found

Any ideas on how to fix it, are greatly appreciated!!

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dansbandit commented Mar 27, 2019

Thanks for the great guide!! I am however running into a problem, when trying to get Sonarr V3 up and running. When i input the following step:

root@freenas[~]# iocage exec sonarr "fetch -o /usr/local/share"

I get the following error:
/bin/sh: -o: not found

Any ideas on how to fix it, are greatly appreciated!!

There are two problems with this command. The first is that sh treats the ampersand as a new command and the second one is that the fetch utility doesn't name the file correctly after download. This is how it should be I think.

EDIT: The ampersand runs what precedes it as a background job.

iocage exec sonarr "fetch '' -o /usr/local/share/sonarr.tar.gz"
iocage exec sonarr "tar -xzvf /usr/local/share/sonarr.tar.gz -C /usr/local/share"
iocage exec sonarr rm /usr/local/share/sonarr.tar.gz

Mow4cash edit 7/19/19: good catch, I updated the guide

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Hey all - been working on trying to get Sonarr V3 up and running, thanks to the guide and the comments I manage to get to the final step before "service sonarr start" when I get

env: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sonarr: No such file or directory

Anyone have any ideas as to what might be the issue here?

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Anyone get SABnzbd working and have a guide for it?

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pololoo commented Apr 28, 2019

Awesome guide!!! thanks for sharing with all of us. I have a question though, Jackett is showing this message "Your version of Jackett v0.10.531.0 is very old" . In the log i can find this:

"2019-04-28 20:01:56.9104 Info New release found.  Current: v0.10.531 New: v0.11.256 
2019-04-28 20:02:33.9115 Info Starting updater: mono /tmp/JackettUpdate-v0.11.256-636920785345043880/Jackett/JackettUpdater.exe --Path "/usr/local/share/Jackett" --Type "Console" --Args " JackettConsole.exe -d /config" --KillPids "64825" 
2019-04-28 20:02:33.9460 Info Updater started process id: 65238 
2019-04-28 20:02:33.9474 Info Exiting Jackett.. "

but it nevers update.... Im very new at this, any one can help me to do a manual update? Which commands I need to run?

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pololoo commented Apr 30, 2019

answering my own question what I did to update jackett was:

iocage exec jackett service jackett stopt
iocage exec jackett "fetch -o /usr/local/share"
iocage exec jackett "tar -xzvf /usr/local/share/Jackett.Binaries.Mono.tar.gz -C /usr/local/share"
iocage exec jackett rm /usr/local/share/Jackett.Binaries.Mono.tar.gz
iocage exec jackett service jackett start

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bdurrow commented May 7, 2019

I'm not sure if you would be interested but I am working on a build/verification process for this document:

mow4cash edit: If you make progress on this please report back.

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I got the same error as shitrus:

root@freenas:/mnt/iocage/jails/plex/root/usr # iocage exec plex "echo -e 'FreeBSD: { url: \"pkg+\${ABI}/latest\" }' > /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf"
Unmatched '''.

I figured out that by default, my freenas shell was set to csh. I switched to bash and the command worked. I looked that manual for echo in csh and there is no '-e' option. It would be good for the guide to specify which shell to run in. My freenas install is quite old and has been upgraded many times. That could have something to do with having a different default shell than others.

Also, thank you for putting together this wonderful guide.

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zenxedo commented Jun 14, 2019

Thanks for all the feedback and comments. I know the comments help other users because some time things break or need a slightly different approach.

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CatPasswd commented Jul 2, 2019

I'm not sure if you would be interested but I am working on a build/verification process for this document:

Nicely done. Of course, had I read the comments ahead of time, I may have attempted to use your build scripts.

But it may yet come to that, I'm at the point of installing organizr, and have been running into multiple issues where copypasta just didn't cut it, and odds are high that I screwed up somewhere due to rushing, and lack of sleep.


Screw it. I'm going to give this tool a try. I'm combing through and adjusting to fit my specific needs, and the first thing that jump out at me is this.

in Freenas 11.2 Setup.m4 two of these three lines had to be edited for me.

root@freenas[~/freenas-media-setup]# grep '/mnt/iocage' *
Freenas 11.2 Setup.m4:iocage exec sonarr "ee /mnt/iocage/jails/sonarr/root/usr/local/etc/rc.d/sonarr"
Freenas 11.2 Setup.m4:Create an rc file for radarr using your favorite editor at /mnt/iocage/jails/radarr/root/usr/local/etc/rc.d/radarr
Freenas 11.2 Setup.m4:iocage exec radarr "ee /mnt/iocage/jails/radarr/root/usr/local/etc/rc.d/radarr"

I have a mirrored SSD set which holds my jails and applications, so they aren't on the default pool. Possibly I'm an edge case, but looking at it objectively, you're executing a command inside the jails themselves, but referencing the files using the host OS mount points. Or do I misunderstand?

I'll add any other issues I encounter as I progress.

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Thanks for this! It's been very helpful starting-point in migrating my old warden jails over to iocage this past weekend. There were several tweeks I had to make for my setup, but I wanted to pass one along that should probably be updated in your rc.d file for Sonarr 3.


This file was changed between sonarr 2 and 3. The new file is


Without this change, you wont be able to run a service stop command. Hope this helps!

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neilkpd commented Jul 27, 2019

Thanks for this excellent write-up!

I would appreciate some help in getting another jail I started working on - beets.

This is as far I've gotten:
echo '{"pkgs":["py36-pip","py36-sqlite3","chromaprint","ffmpeg","shntool","sudo"]}' > /tmp/pkg.json
iocage create -n "beets" -p /tmp/pkg.json -r 11.2-RELEASE ip4_addr="vnet0|" defaultrouter="" vnet="on" allow_raw_sockets="1" boot="on" host_hostname="beets"
rm /tmp/pkg.json
iocage console beets
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
pip install beets

I'm not certain if the MEDIA user needs to be added...
I'm still a noob and would appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance.

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zenxedo commented Jul 27, 2019 via email

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shitrus commented Sep 24, 2019

Just had to do a reinstall of Plex (the plexpass version) and once again this guide saved me.

One thing that should be noted is that if you are using the plexpass version and have LiveTV and DVR, and you want to record something, you will have to modify the mount for your media to be rw instead of ro, and you will have to add the plex user to the media group in the jail

iocage fstab -a plex /mnt/myVol/media /mnt/media nullfs rw 0 0
and then after all is said and done
pw usermod plex -G media

then you wont have any issues with recording shows

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mranderson256 commented Mar 18, 2020

I am getting and message in Sonarr:

Currently installed Mono version is no longer supported. Please upgrade Mono to version 5.20.

Is there an easy way to do this? I just don't want to break what I have so far. This is my first run at Freenas (11.3) so everything is very new to me. I installed Plex (no pass) and Sabnzbd with the plugins. I followed this guide and got Sonarr installed using the Shell. I even have them playing nice so far.

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There's a thread on the freenas forums about upgrading -

Also, the pkg for mono should be landing any day now. If you are willing to wait a bit, a simple pkg update and pkg upgrade should do the trick. -

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shitrus commented Mar 18, 2020

ok so first things first:
get sonarr to stop

service stop sonarr

then issue the following command (may take a while, portsnap takes a bit)

portsnap fetch extract && pkg update && pkg upgrade -y && pkg install -y llvm80 libepoxy-1.5.2

Copy the contents of this file: into the following file that you will need to create (i used vi to create it, so i will give you the vi commands).

vi /tmp/mono-patch-

In vi press i for insert, then paste the values in, then press ESC, followed by :wq to write and quit the file

cd /usr/ports/lang/mono && patch -E < /tmp/mono-patch- && vi Makefile

This will take you into the Makefile in vi where you need to modify the value for PORTREVISION from to

Pressing x while it cursor is over a character will delete it in vi, so press x while over the old version, then you can press i to insert the new version.

Then press ESC, followed by :wq to write and quit the file.

Now you are ready to compile.

make -DBATCH install clean

followed by

make -DBATCH deinstall reinstall

followed by another round of pkg updating and upgrading

pkg update && pkg upgrade -y

and then

service start sonarr

Or you can wait until the new mono port becomes available soon.

I didnt want to wait, so i followed/modified the instructions from here: which is how i arrived at the above instructions.

Good Luck!

edit: adam took the wind out of my sails :(

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Thanks to you both! Waiting seems like the smarter choice in my case. I need to get myself learned on how to use snapshots first either way.

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pathsny commented Aug 23, 2020

Great tutorial , just started about 45min ago. Currently on the Emby setup.
Struggled with transmission setup tho, struggling to understand a few things. eg. sysrc transmission_download_dir="" -----where should i set the download directory to? /media/downloads?
i stopped transmission....editted settings.json in /var/db/transmission. started plex and then get this error 👍
root@media:/mnt # service transmission restart
Stopping transmission.
Waiting for PIDS: 89362.
usage: chown [-fhvx] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] owner[:group] file ...
chown [-fhvx] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] :group file ...
Starting transmission.

" Create this user in your FreeNAS with the same uid and gid (typically 1001 if you haven't made a custom account yet).
--- Do i create this user in the freenas gui? What if iv already created a user in freenas gui?
"Add mounts for media + crashplan backups inside the jail (/mnt//media to /mnt/media). "

  • i dont have a /mnt//media folder....only a /mnt/media folder?

Hi Wez,looking at the guide, did you ever figure out how to get emby setup? i dont see it in the gist

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Looks like it doesn't work anymore with TrueNAS 12.0-U2. It doesn't find the pre-build version for this build.
Screenshot 2021-02-14 at 22 51 49

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zenxedo commented Feb 14, 2021

Looks like it doesn't work anymore with TrueNAS 12.0-U2. It doesn't find the pre-build version for this build.
Screenshot 2021-02-14 at 22 51 49

That's weird. One of the reasons I moved away from Freenas. TrueNAS scale may be headed on the right direction.

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zierbeek commented Apr 5, 2021

Hi, i am new to all this, I started with creating the file directories, skipped the permissions step and went to the setup of Plex and so on.
Plex went fine.

when I started with transmission, everything went fine until the permissions. I got the message that the account already existed. How do I solve this? I just copy pasted the commands.

And when I try to create he rc.d file, I always get the message: unable to create file. I already changed the /mnt/iocage to /mnt/myvol/iocage

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