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Last active February 22, 2018 12:42
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Clean up Storm state and restart the cluster
To clean up Zk and Storm local stores and restart cluster -
On red01
cd /home/anand/projects/ansible-storm
ansible-playbook -i hosts_sample roles/stop_storm.yaml
ansible -i hosts_sample supervisor -a 'bash -lc "killall ruby"'
Check if no ruby processes running on the supervisors - repeat killall till you see no processes
ansible -i hosts_sample supervisor -a 'bash -lc "ps -ef | grep ruby"'
Delete Storm store in Zk and Zk local data -
On red09
rmr /storm
On red01
ansible -i hosts_sample zookeeper -a '/home/anand/zookeeper-3.4.9/bin/ stop'
ansible -i hosts_sample zookeeper -a 'rm -rf /home/anand/zookeeper-3.4.9/data/version-2'
Delete Storm local storage -
ansible -i hosts_sample supervisor -a 'bash -lc "rm -rf ~/storm-1.1.0_6/storm/apache-storm-1.1.1/app"'
ansible -i hosts_sample supervisor -a 'bash -lc "rm -rf ~/storm-1.1.0_6/storm/apache-storm-1.1.1/storm-local"'
Delete app logs -
delete parser old logs
ansible -i hosts_sample supervisor -a 'bash -lc "rm /home/anand/apache-storm-1.1.0/logs/workers-artifacts/ab-parser-logs/*"'
Start Zk and Storm cluster -
ansible -i hosts_sample zookeeper -a '/home/anand/zookeeper-3.4.9/bin/ start'
ansible-playbook -i hosts_sample roles/run_storm.yaml
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rraundal commented Oct 9, 2017

delet storm logs
ansible -i hosts_sample supervisor -a 'bash -lc "rm -rf ~/storm-1.1.0_6/storm/apache-storm-1.1.1/logs/workers-artifacts/*"'

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rraundal commented Oct 13, 2017

ansible -i hosts_sample supervisor -a 'bash -lc "mkdir -p /home/anand/apache-storm-1.1.0/logs/workers-artifacts/1812"'
ansible -i hosts_sample supervisor -a 'bash -lc "mv /home/anand/apache-storm-1.1.0/logs/workers-artifacts/ab-parser-logs/*
ansible -i hosts_sample supervisor -a 'bash -lc "rm /home/anand/apache-storm-1.1.0/logs/workers-artifacts/ab-extractor-logs/*"'

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rraundal commented Nov 2, 2017

ansible -i hosts_sample supervisor -a 'bash -lc "rm ~/http_get_stats/*.log"'

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