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Zack Whipkey zerkz

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zerkz /
Created August 16, 2024 04:45
MFC-L2710DW gotchas

networking stuff -- limited wifi capability.

It does NOT support 802.11w. turn this off in openwrt settings, also limited wpa2, can use mixed mode however.

zerkz /
Last active January 24, 2024 01:16
FTL/Faster Than Light multiverse (or other mods?) on Macbook/M1/M2/OS X using Game Porting Kit/WINE

Tested on M2 / Silicon, Sonoma Beta (may not be required, try Ventura and report back?).

  1. Install Whisky
  2. Setup a bottle/"wine container" for Steam (or label it "FTL" if you're not using Steam).
  3. Install Steam if that's what you're using to install FTL.
  4. Install your legally owned copy of this great game.
  5. Use something like the Control Panel (in the Config section of your bottle in Whisky) to install Java in your bottle. Java 8 JDK worked for me, 6 could as well.
    • You could install Java JDK from Oracle, but you'll have to agree to their crappy license and login.
    • Zulu JDK 8
  • You'll also need to install CCK after to supply physical fonts.
zerkz / door_viewer.service
Last active November 4, 2023 21:08
pi3-b door viewer setup
# /opt/systemd_services/front_door.service
Description=Live Door Viewer with RTSP server included.
zerkz / config.boot
Created December 30, 2022 23:24 — forked from nomaster/config.boot
EdgeRouter: DNS forwarding to CloudFlare with DNSSEC
set service dns forwarding name-server
set service dns forwarding name-server
set service dns forwarding name-server '2606:4700:4700::1111'
set service dns forwarding name-server '2606:4700:4700::1001'
set service dns forwarding options dnssec
set service dns forwarding options trust-anchor=.,19036,8,2,49AAC11D7B6F6446702E54A1607371607A1A41855200FD2CE1CDDE32F24E8FB5
set service dns forwarding options trust-anchor=.,20326,8,2,E06D44B80B8F1D39A95C0B0D7C65D08458E880409BBC683457104237C7F8EC8D
set service dns forwarding options dnssec-check-unsigned
set service dns forwarding options dnssec-timestamp=/config/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.time
zerkz /
Created June 19, 2022 19:58
Build/Install Podman from Source on Ubuntu/Debian/PopOS/Other Linux?

Build and Install Podman

  1. cd /tmp/
  2. git clone
  3. cd podman
  4. Install build dependencies
  5. sudo make
  6. sudo make install
zerkz /
Last active April 21, 2022 04:43 — forked from mattbell87/
VSCode Remote: Connect to WSL2 from another machine
zerkz /
Last active January 31, 2025 06:55
[Linux] Simple Guide To Using a PS5 Controller with Chiaki


This guide is meant for those using Linux and wanting to use a PS5 Controller (Dualsense) with Chiaki to enable remote play for PS4/PS5.

If you're using a Steam Deck, check out the great chiaki4deck project instead.

Despite the PS5 Controller support added to the 5.12 kernel, I had issues getting it to be recognized by Chiaki.

I've only verified these steps on a PopOS 21.10 (Ubuntu derivative) system, running on 5.16 kernel.

If you have an alternate solution for Linux that worked for you, leave a comment to help others out!

zerkz / gist:56bfbd5ad43615035dd2bd058d1f1f03
Last active April 30, 2019 02:24
urxvt - fish hauleth/agnoster theme.
!! locale set to utf-8, all unicode showing
!! use echo \ue0b0 \u00b1 \ue0a0 \u27a6 \u2718 \u26a1 \u2699
!! running on i3 manjaro -- be sure to download fonts.
URxvt.font: xft:SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:size=12,xft: DejaVu Sans Mono,Symbola:size=5,xft: Unifont
zerkz / Contract Killer
Last active August 16, 2019 14:04
The latest version of my ‘killer contract’ for web designers and developers

Contract Killer

The popular open-source contract for web designers and developers by Stuff & Nonsense

  • Originally published: 23rd December 2008
  • Revised date: October 8th 2015
  • Original post
  • Modified by Zack Whipkey (zerkz) to cater towards software developers.