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Created February 13, 2025 17:20
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to add in FuncMap for handling HTML form validations
package validate
import (
type Errors map[string][]string
func (e Errors) Add(field string, msg string) {
AddError(field, e, msg)
var EmailRx = regexp.MustCompile(`^\S+@\S+$`)
type Lengthable[Q any, U comparable] interface {
[]Q | map[U]Q
type NumericComparable interface {
int | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64
// Validate records the provided error, if not nil, inside the errors list
// marked against the provided field.
func AddError(field string, errors Errors, msg string) {
errors[field] = append(errors[field], msg)
// StringLength Checks that a string has either an exact count of characters,
// or fits within the specified range of m to n (inclusive).
func IsStringLength(
field string,
errors Errors,
v string,
m int,
n int,
) {
var msg string
if m == n {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("Must be exactly %d characters long", m)
} else {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("Must be between %d and %d characters long", m, n)
if len(v) < m || len(v) > n {
AddError(field, errors, msg)
// IsStringMinLength Checks that a string is at least the listed size.
func IsStringMinLength(
field string,
errors Errors,
v string,
m int,
) {
if len(v) < m {
AddError(field, errors, fmt.Sprintf("Must be at least %d characters long", m))
// NumberBetween Checks that the integer typed variable is exactly m == n in
// size, or between m and n inclusive.
func IsNumberBetween[T NumericComparable](
field string,
errors Errors,
v T,
m T,
n T,
) {
var msg string
if m == n {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("Must be exactly %d, but was %d", m, v)
} else {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("Must be between %d and %d, but was %d", m, n, v)
if v < m || v > n {
AddError(field, errors, msg)
func IsNotEmpty(
field string,
errors Errors,
v string,
) {
if len(v) == 0 {
AddError(field, errors, "Must not be empty")
// Size checks that an array or map has either exactly m == n entries, or
// between m and n entries (inclusive)
func IsSize[T Lengthable[Q, U], Q any, U comparable](
field string,
errors Errors,
v T,
m int,
n int,
) {
var msg string
if m == n {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("Must have exactly %d entries, but had %d", m, len(v))
} else {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("Must have between %d and %d entries, but had %d", m, n, len(v))
if len(v) < m || len(v) > n {
AddError(field, errors, msg)
// MinSize checks that an array or map has at least n entries
func IsMinSize[T Lengthable[Q, U], Q any, U comparable](
field string,
errors Errors,
v T,
n int,
) {
entry := "entry"
if n > 1 {
entry = "entries"
var msg string
msg = fmt.Sprintf("Must have a minimum of %d %s, but had %d", n, entry, len(v))
if len(v) < n {
AddError(field, errors, msg)
// Regex Confirms that value matches the provided regex
func IsRegex(
field string,
errors Errors,
v string,
rx *regexp.Regexp,
message string,
) {
if !rx.MatchString(v) {
AddError(field, errors, message)
// Email Confirms that value matches our provided email regex. For a custom
// email regex, use Regex.
func IsEmail(
field string,
errors Errors,
v string,
) {
IsRegex(field, errors, v, EmailRx, "Email address is invalid")
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