- Obsidian
- Discord
- VsCode
- Spotify
- MpHC
- Steam
- Adobe Photoshop
- Davinchi Resolve
Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt install obsidian discord vscode spotify steam davinci-resolve
- Typescript:
pnpm install typescript -g
- Full ZSH install with plugins
- Docker:
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin
- Git
- Set up GitHub SSH key
- Pop_OS: It's by far the best OS I've used on laptop. It's easy to use, pretty versitile. Based on Ubuntu.
- Manjaro: Had some problems with package managers. XFCE sucks btw.
- Arch: Reinstalled it like 3 times to get all things right. Still the same thing with packages. KDE env is pretty ugly by default.