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Created August 20, 2015 18:26
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  • Save zethussuen/9ed4c09c2632ee871035 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zethussuen/9ed4c09c2632ee871035 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fixed a crash when adding a page whilst the document was being saved in the background (#5779)
Fixed an occasional crash after editing text (#5776)
Fixed a crash when pasting an empty string (#5873)
Fixed an occasional crash when changing fonts (#5880)
Fixed loss of focus when duplicating a layer (#5745)
Fixed a crash with the Layout Settings and Grid Settings panels (#5815)
Fixed a crash when dragging a slice preview (#5778)
Fixed crash when closing window on 10.11 (#5851)
Fixed crash when deleting image fill from popover (#5926)
Fixed crash when organize text styles sheet open in two documents at once (#5696)
Improved recalculation of bounding box for groups after contents change (#5841)
Undoing a gradient stop change no longer turns it gray (#5697)
Local sharing no longer adds a 1px white border (#5864)
Improved reordering of artboards in the layer list (#5802)
Sketch documents dragged onto the canvas are no longer moved to a temporary folder (#5771)
Improved popover spacing for local sharing (#5920)
Layer List does not reflect removal of subpaths correctly
Copied artboards are pasted in original position in new doc, regardless of viewport
Compatibility with some 3rd Party tools is temporarily broken
Artboards can now be previewed in a web browser and shared on the local network
Faster and more accurate Boolean Operations
Improved and more predictable copy and paste
You can now disable Auto-save in the preferences
Added Artboard preset and template file for Android icons
Measuring distances between layers now also works with ⌘ (Command) to drill down into groups
You can hold ⌥ (Option) to switch between Lock and Hide icons in Layer List
You can now ⌥-hover layers in the Layer List to measure distances between it and the selected layer
Added the ability to change the selected Artboard’s background color using ctrl+C
Improved Undo/Redo reliability
You can now edit the Layout or Grid for multiple Artboards at the same time
When pixel fitting is off, we no longer move layers by 1px increments. When it’s on, we always snap to full pixels
Removed the ability to nudge a layer by 0.1px when holding ⌥ as it conflicted with other shortcuts
Rotating a layer in the Inspector will now rotate clockwise
Export previews now use a checkerboard pattern to show transparency for white and light objects
Improved the way Symbols treat text layers with multiple font styles
When background blur is turned on we now automatically make any fills on the same layer semi-transparent
Make Grid now respects the “Rename Duplicated Layers” preference
Removed the double Export buttons on the Artboard Inspector and realigned the previews correctly
“Replace Image…” option when right-clicking an image
Improved Background Blur rendering
Zooming performance improvements, especially for fast consecutive zoom actions, or traditional mouse-wheel scrolling
Improved the behaviour of using ⇧ (Shift) to lock movement of layers
Added the ability to drag embedded SVG images directly from the browser into Sketch
Preferences now includes pane to manage installed Plugins
Scrollbar in the layer list no longer obscures the hide/lock icons
New gradients are now based on the current fill colour
International-friendly §-key feature to zoom to 100% when held (~ key on US keyboards)
Fixed a crash when adding a page whilst the document was being saved in the background
Fixed a crash when pasting an empty string
Fixed an occasional crash after editing text
Fixed an occasional crash when changing fonts
Fixed a crash with the Layout Settings and Grid Settings panels
Fixed a crash when dragging a slice preview
Fixed a crash when closing window on 10.11
Fixed a crash when organize text styles sheet open in two documents at once
Fixed a crash with the Magic Wand in the Bitmap tool
Duplicating a layer no longer loses focus
Reverting a document to a previous state no longer causes refresh issues
Patterns are no longer sometimes displayed at the wrong scale
Renaming a style now gives it a different identity, so copying & pasting between documents will no longer change a style with the old name in the pasted document
Rotated subpaths now have correct coordinates
Pasting a shape with a pattern uses the correct scale
Edit > Scale no longer ignores multiple text sizes on text layers
Improves anti-aliasing of bitmap layers when zoomed in
Reliability of Quick Look previews improved
iPhone 6 Plus-sized Artboard scales correctly to Mirror
Copying a text style with a non-default line height between layers no longer causes problems
Switching from a transparent gradient to a color fill no longer produces a faulty opacity on the fill
Sub-layers of a hidden groups no longer display their selection outline
The shared text style preview updates correctly when the Inspector changes
Text focus returns properly to the text handler after making changes in the Inspector
‘Revert to Saved’ redraws a document correctly
Background-blurred layers no longer have white edges
Holding ⌘ to disable snapping when moving points now hides existing snapping guides
The Color Picker correctly highlights identical colors among the presets
Selecting an artboard no longer enables the Rotate toolbar icon
⌘-hovering overlapping layers no longer produces redrawing glitches
Resizing rotated shapes with the keyboard no longer expands them
Dragging around a mix of layers and Artboards with guides no longer produces redraw glitches
Text layer’s hover shows at correct position
The Inspector updates correctly after aligning multiple layers
Dragging a layer into an Artboard correctly enables the Align buttons
Edit > Scale correctly scales dashed borders
Converting text to outlines no longer moves the layer to the top of the hierarchy
Transform and Edit buttons would not be disabled when they should be
Text color no longer reset after switching text from lowercase to uppercase
Inserting text with a shared style no longer overrides the style from another shared text style
Distance measurements no longer produce duplicate measurements on grids with small spacing
Shapes can no longer be left in an invalid state after Undo
Resizing multiple layers at once no longer causes them to jump around
No longer possible to turn the Text tool into the Rectangle tool halfway through a drag
Blended pattern fills export correctly
Deeply nested text can be edited
Dragging after right-clicking no longer moves unexpected layers
Rotated shape bounds no longer jump when scaling its parent group
Text layers no longer wrap their contents unwantedly when re-opening a document
Artboard positions are now always integers
Toggling sub-pixel anti-aliasing in the Preferences now immediately refreshes the document
Cutting and Pasting layers now properly updates the rulers
Mouse cursors update correctly when using shortcuts
Improves the undo handling of the Edit > Scale sheet
Locking or unlocking layers made more consistent when there’s a mix of locked and unlocked layers
Removing a mask updates the canvas correctly
Improves performance when interacting with Artboards and Slices by being smarter about delaying and cancelling preview regeneration
Adjusting text line height during editing no longer moves the layer
Group bounds now correctly match their contents
Undoing a gradient stop change no longer turns it gray
Improved reordering of artboards in the layer list
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