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Last active February 12, 2021 15:29
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Animations From Google Slides

  1. Have imagemagick and ffmpeg installed

  2. Download the slideshow as a pdf

  3. pdf -> pngs

    convert -density 300 slides.pdf slide%03d.png

    Increase density to increase quality, DPI

  4. pngs -> mp4

    ffmpeg -framerate 1 -i ${prefix}%03d.png -pix_fmt yuv420p animation.mp4

    framerate is frames per second, so 1 == 1 second per slide, and 2 == 1/2 second per slide

  5. pngs -> gif

    convert -delay 100 ${prefix}.png animation.gif

    delay is in centiseconds, so 100 = 1 second per slide, and 250 == 2.5 seconds per slide

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