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Created June 16, 2018 09:57
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Java Comparator for Natural Sort Order
* Copyright (c) 2018 Zhang Hai <[email protected]>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Comparator;
public class NaturalOrderComparator implements Comparator<String> {
private static final int DIGIT_RADIX = 10;
public int compare(String string1, String string2) {
int start1 = 0;
int start2 = 0;
int leadingZeroCompareResult = 0;
while (start1 < string1.length() && start2 < string2.length()) {
int codePoint1 = string1.codePointAt(start1);
int codePoint2 = string2.codePointAt(start2);
// Check if both code points are digits.
if (!Character.isDigit(codePoint1) || !Character.isDigit(codePoint2)) {
if (!codePointEqualsIgnoreCase(codePoint1, codePoint2)) {
return codePointCompareToIgnoreCase(codePoint1, codePoint2);
start1 = string1.offsetByCodePoints(start1, 1);
start2 = string2.offsetByCodePoints(start2, 1);
// Get end of current number.
int end1 = start1;
do {
end1 = string1.offsetByCodePoints(end1, 1);
} while (end1 < string1.length() && Character.isDigit(string1.codePointAt(end1)));
int end2 = start2;
do {
end2 = string2.offsetByCodePoints(end2, 1);
} while (end2 < string2.length() && Character.isDigit(string2.codePointAt(end2)));
// Get start of current number without leading zeros.
int noLeadingZeroStart1 = start1;
while (noLeadingZeroStart1 < end1 && Character.digit(string1.codePointAt(
noLeadingZeroStart1), DIGIT_RADIX) == 0) {
noLeadingZeroStart1 = string1.offsetByCodePoints(noLeadingZeroStart1, 1);
int noLeadingZeroStart2 = start2;
while (noLeadingZeroStart2 < end2 && Character.digit(string2.codePointAt(
noLeadingZeroStart2), DIGIT_RADIX) == 0) {
noLeadingZeroStart2 = string2.offsetByCodePoints(noLeadingZeroStart2, 1);
// If the two lengths of numbers (without leading zeros) differ, the shorter one comes
// first.
int noLeadingZeroLength1 = string1.codePointCount(noLeadingZeroStart1, end1);
int noLeadingZeroLength2 = string2.codePointCount(noLeadingZeroStart2, end2);
if (noLeadingZeroLength1 != noLeadingZeroLength2) {
return noLeadingZeroLength1 - noLeadingZeroLength2;
// If any two digits starting from the first non-zero ones differs, the less one comes
// first.
for (int digitIndex1 = noLeadingZeroStart1, digitIndex2 = noLeadingZeroStart2;
digitIndex1 < end1; digitIndex1 = string1.offsetByCodePoints(digitIndex1, 1),
digitIndex2 = string2.offsetByCodePoints(digitIndex2, 1)) {
int digit1 = Character.digit(string1.codePointAt(digitIndex1), DIGIT_RADIX);
int digit2 = Character.digit(string2.codePointAt(digitIndex2), DIGIT_RADIX);
if (digit1 != digit2) {
return digit1 - digit2;
// If the two numbers are the same, the one with less leading zeros (shorter) comes
// first.
int leadingZeroLength1 = string1.codePointCount(start1, noLeadingZeroStart1);
int leadingZeroLength2 = string2.codePointCount(start2, noLeadingZeroStart2);
if (leadingZeroLength1 != leadingZeroLength2) {
if (leadingZeroCompareResult == 0) {
leadingZeroCompareResult = leadingZeroLength1 - leadingZeroLength2;
start1 = end1;
start2 = end2;
// If one of the two strings is exhausted first, it comes first.
int remainingLength1 = string1.codePointCount(start1, string1.length());
int remainingLength2 = string2.codePointCount(start2, string2.length());
if (remainingLength1 != remainingLength2) {
return remainingLength1 - remainingLength2;
// The one with less leading zeros (shorter) comes first if others are the same.
if (leadingZeroCompareResult != 0) {
return leadingZeroCompareResult;
// Fall back to plain comparison.
return string1.compareTo(string2);
// @see String#regionMatches(boolean, int, String, int, int)
private static boolean codePointEqualsIgnoreCase(int codePoint1, int codePoint2) {
codePoint1 = Character.toUpperCase(codePoint1);
codePoint2 = Character.toUpperCase(codePoint2);
if (codePoint1 == codePoint2) {
return true;
codePoint1 = Character.toLowerCase(codePoint1);
codePoint2 = Character.toLowerCase(codePoint2);
return codePoint1 == codePoint2;
// @see String.CaseInsensitiveComparator#compare(String, String)
private static int codePointCompareToIgnoreCase(int codePoint1, int codePoint2) {
if (codePoint1 != codePoint2) {
codePoint1 = Character.toUpperCase(codePoint1);
codePoint2 = Character.toUpperCase(codePoint2);
if (codePoint1 != codePoint2) {
codePoint1 = Character.toUpperCase(codePoint1);
codePoint2 = Character.toUpperCase(codePoint2);
if (codePoint1 != codePoint2) {
return codePoint1 - codePoint2;
return 0;
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