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Created November 11, 2023 22:55
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Temperature-based fan speed controller for Dell T630
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import yaml
import getopt
import os
import re
import sensors #
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import signal
config = {
'config_path': '/opt/fan_control/fan_control.yaml',
'general': {
'debug': False,
'interval': 60
'hosts': []
state = {}
class ConfigError(Exception):
def ipmitool(args, host):
global state
cmd = ["ipmitool"]
if state[host['name']]['is_remote']:
cmd += ['-I', 'lanplus']
cmd += ['-H', host['remote_ipmi_credentials']['host']]
cmd += ['-U', host['remote_ipmi_credentials']['username']]
cmd += ['-P', host['remote_ipmi_credentials']['password']]
cmd += (args.split(' '))
if config['general']['debug']:
print(re.sub(r'-([UP]) (\S+)', r'-\1 ___', ' '.join(cmd))) # Do not log IPMI credentials
return True
subprocess.check_output(cmd, timeout=15)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print("\"{}\" command has returned a non-0 exit code".format(cmd), file=sys.stderr)
return False
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
print("\"{}\" command has timed out".format(cmd), file=sys.stderr)
return False
return True
def set_fan_control(wanted_mode, host):
global state
if wanted_mode == "manual" or wanted_mode == "automatic":
if wanted_mode == "manual" and state[host['name']]['fan_control_mode'] == "automatic":
if not config['general']['debug']:
print("[{}] Switching to manual mode".format(host['name']))
ipmitool("raw 0x30 0x30 0x01 0x00", host)
elif wanted_mode == "automatic" and state[host['name']]['fan_control_mode'] == "manual":
if not config['general']['debug']:
print("[{}] Switching to automatic mode".format(host['name']))
ipmitool("raw 0x30 0x30 0x01 0x01", host)
state[host['name']]['fan_speed'] = 0
state[host['name']]['fan_control_mode'] = wanted_mode
def set_fan_speed(threshold_n, host):
global state
wanted_percentage = host['speeds'][threshold_n]
if wanted_percentage == state[host['name']]['fan_speed']:
if 5 <= wanted_percentage <= 100:
wanted_percentage_hex = "{0:#0{1}x}".format(wanted_percentage, 4)
if state[host['name']]['fan_control_mode'] != "manual":
set_fan_control("manual", host)
if not config['general']['debug']:
print("[{}] Setting fans speed to {}%".format(host['name'], wanted_percentage))
ipmitool("raw 0x30 0x30 0x02 0xff {}".format(wanted_percentage_hex), host)
state[host['name']]['fan_speed'] = wanted_percentage
def parse_config():
global config
_debug = config['general']['debug']
_interval = config['general']['interval']
if not os.path.isfile(config['config_path']):
raise RuntimeError("Missing or unspecified configuration file.")
print("Loading configuration file.")
_config = None
with open(config['config_path'], 'r') as yaml_conf:
_config = yaml.safe_load(yaml_conf)
except yaml.YAMLError as err:
raise err # TODO: pretty print
config = _config
if 'debug' not in list(config['general'].keys()):
config['general']['debug'] = _debug
if 'interval' not in list(config['general'].keys()):
config['general']['interval'] = _interval
for host in config['hosts']:
if 'hysteresis' not in list(host.keys()):
host['hysteresis'] = 0
if len(host['temperatures']) != 3:
raise ConfigError('Host "{}" has {} temperature thresholds instead of 3.'.format(host['name'], len(host['temperatures'])))
if len(host['speeds']) != 3:
raise ConfigError('Host "{}" has {} fan speeds instead of 3.'.format(host['name'], len(host['speeds'])))
if ('remote_temperature_command' in list(host.keys()) or 'remote_ipmi_credentials' in list(host.keys())) and \
('remote_temperature_command' not in list(host.keys()) or 'remote_ipmi_credentials' not in list(host.keys())):
raise ConfigError('Host "{}" must specify either none or both "remote_temperature_command" and "remote_ipmi_credentials" keys.'.format(host['name']))
if 'remote_ipmi_credentials' in list(host.keys()) and \
('host' not in list(host['remote_ipmi_credentials'].keys()) or \
'username' not in list(host['remote_ipmi_credentials'].keys()) or \
'password' not in list(host['remote_ipmi_credentials'].keys())):
raise ConfigError('Host "{}" must specify either none or all "host", "username" and "password" values for the "remote_ipmi_credentials" key.'.format(host['name']))
# TODO: check presence/validity of values instead of keys presence only
if host['name'] in list(state.keys()):
raise ConfigError('Duplicate "{}" host name found.'.format(host['name']))
state[host['name']] = {
'is_remote': 'remote_temperature_command' in list(host.keys()),
'fan_control_mode': 'automatic',
'fan_speed': 0
def parse_opts():
global config
help_str = " [-d] [-c <path_to_config>] [-i <interval>]"
opts, _ = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hdc:i:",["help","debug","config=","interval="])
except getopt.GetoptError as e:
print("Unrecognized option. Usage:\n{}".format(help_str))
raise getopt.GetoptError(e)
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
raise InterruptedError
elif opt in ('-d', '--debug'):
config['general']['debug'] = True
elif opt in ('-c', '--config'):
config['config_path'] = arg
elif opt in ('-i', '--interval'):
config['general']['interval'] = arg
def checkHysteresis(temperature, threshold_n, host):
global state
# Skip checks if hysteresis is disabled for this host
if not host['hysteresis']:
return True
# Fan speed is higher than it should be or automatic mode is currently enabled
if (state[host['name']]['fan_speed'] > host['speeds'][threshold_n] or
state[host['name']]['fan_control_mode'] == 'automatic'):
# T ≤ (threshold - hysteresis)
return temperature <= host['temperatures'][threshold_n] - host['hysteresis']
# Fan speed is lower than it should be, step up immediately and ignore hysteresis
return True
def compute_fan_speed(temp_average, host):
global state
if config['general']['debug']:
print("[{}] T:{}°C M:{} S:{}%".format(host['name'], temp_average, state[host['name']]['fan_control_mode'], state[host['name']]['fan_speed']))
# Tavg < Threshold0
if (
temp_average <= host['temperatures'][0] and
checkHysteresis(temp_average, 0, host)
set_fan_speed(0, host)
# Threshold0 < Tavg ≤ Threshold1
elif (
host['temperatures'][0] < temp_average <= host['temperatures'][1] and
checkHysteresis(temp_average, 1, host)
set_fan_speed(1, host)
# Threshold1 < Tavg ≤ Threshold2
elif (
host['temperatures'][1] < temp_average <= host['temperatures'][2] and
checkHysteresis(temp_average, 2, host)
set_fan_speed(2, host)
# Tavg > Threshold2
elif host['temperatures'][2] < temp_average:
set_fan_control("automatic", host)
def main():
global config
global state
print("Starting fan control script.")
for host in config['hosts']:
print("[{}] Thresholds of {}°C ({}%), {}°C ({}%) and {}°C ({}%)".format(
host['temperatures'][0], host['speeds'][0],
host['temperatures'][1], host['speeds'][1],
host['temperatures'][2], host['speeds'][2],
while True:
for host in config['hosts']:
temps = []
if not state[host['name']]['is_remote']:
cores = []
for sensor in sensors.get_detected_chips():
if sensor.prefix == "coretemp":
for core in cores:
for feature in core.get_features():
for subfeature in core.get_all_subfeatures(feature):
cmd = os.popen(host['remote_temperature_command'])
temps = list(map(lambda n: float(n),'\n')))
temp_average = round(sum(temps)/len(temps))
compute_fan_speed(temp_average, host)
def graceful_shutdown(signalnum, frame):
print("Signal {} received, giving up control".format(signalnum))
for host in config['hosts']:
set_fan_control("automatic", host)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Reset fan control to automatic when getting killed
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, graceful_shutdown)
except (getopt.GetoptError, InterruptedError):
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