These determine the assumed/default size of instruction operands, and restricts which opcodes are available, and how they are used.
Modern operating systems, booted inside Real
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 |
## Sublime Text 3 Serial key build is 3176 | |
> * Added these lines into /etc/hosts | | | | | |
> * Used the license key | |
----- BEGIN LICENSE ----- |
<!-- | |
<form autocomplete="off"> will turn off autocomplete for the form in most browsers | |
except for username/email/password fields | |
--> | |
<form autocomplete="off"> | |
<!-- fake fields are a workaround for chrome/opera autofill getting the wrong fields --> | |
<input id="username" style="display:none" type="text" name="fakeusernameremembered"> | |
<input id="password" style="display:none" type="password" name="fakepasswordremembered"> | |
unmap('<Ctrl-j>'); | |
unmap('<Ctrl-h>'); |
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
SafeInt.hpp | |
Version 3.0.18p | |
This software is licensed under the Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL). | |
For more information about Microsoft open source licenses, refer to | | | |
This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you use the software, you accept this license. | |
If you do not accept the license, do not use the software. |
{ | |
"cmd": ["vcvars32.bat", "&", "cl", "/EHsc", "${file}"], | |
"file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$", | |
"working_dir": "${file_path}", | |
"selector": "source.c, source.cpp, source.c++", | |
// By default cl is not in your PATH, so add it to your path (preferably) | |
// or uncomment "path" and check that it has correct value | |
//"path": "path:/to/folder/where/cl.exe/located", | |
// this also will set path for vcvars32.bat | |
"shell": true, // Without this sublime has hard times to parse "&" in out command line |
#!/usr/bin/perl | |
no warnings 'utf8'; | |
use strict; | |
use Image::Magick; | |
use Term::Size; | |
use Getopt::Long; | |
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); | |
our ($cachehit,$cachemiss,$nocache,$filter); |