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Last active July 17, 2023 19:55
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Doobie ConnectionIO helpers for use with Quill integration
import doobie._
import doobie.implicits._
import cats.implicits._
sealed abstract class UnexpectedResultSetSize(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)
final case object UnexpectedOptionalContinuation
extends UnexpectedResultSetSize(s"Expected ResultSet with zero or one row, but more rows were available.")
final case object UnexpectedUniqueContinuation
extends UnexpectedResultSetSize(s"Expected ResultSet with exactly one row, but more rows were available.")
final case object UnexpectedUniqueEnd
extends UnexpectedResultSetSize(s"Expected ResultSet with exactly one row, but was empty.")
final case object UnexpectedNonEmptyResults
extends UnexpectedResultSetSize(s"Expected ResultSet have at least one row, but was empty.")
trait DoobieSyntax {
implicit class ConnectionIOListOps[A](self: ConnectionIO[List[A]]) {
* Program in `[[ ConnectionIO]]` yielding a unique `A` and
* raising an exception if the resultset does not have exactly one row. See also `option`.
* @group Results
def unique: ConnectionIO[A] = self.flatMap {
case head :: Nil => FC.pure(head)
case Nil => FC.raiseError(UnexpectedUniqueEnd)
case _ => FC.raiseError(UnexpectedUniqueContinuation)
def unique(ifEmpty: => Throwable): ConnectionIO[A] = self.flatMap {
case head :: Nil => FC.pure(head)
case Nil => FC.raiseError(ifEmpty)
case _ => FC.raiseError(UnexpectedUniqueContinuation)
* Program in `[[ ConnectionIO]]` yielding an optional `A`
* and raising an exception if the resultset has more than one row. See also `unique`.
* @group Results
def option: ConnectionIO[Option[A]] = self.flatMap {
case head :: Nil => FC.pure(Some(head))
case Nil => FC.pure(None)
case _ => FC.raiseError(UnexpectedOptionalContinuation)
* Program in `[[ ConnectionIO]]` yielding a `NonEmptyList[A]`
* and raising an exception if the resultset does not have at least one row. See also `unique`.
* @group Results
def nel: ConnectionIO[NonEmptyList[A]] = {
case Some(a) => FC.pure(a)
case None => FC.raiseError(UnexpectedNonEmptyResults)
* Program in `[[ ConnectionIO]]` yielding an `F[A]`
* accumulated via the provided `CanBuildFrom`. This is the fastest way to accumulate a
* collection.
* @group Results
def to[F[_]](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, A, F[A]]): ConnectionIO[F[A]] =[F])
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