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Last active August 24, 2023 11:26
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import { PublicKey, Transaction } from "bsv";
import { bsv, toHex, DEFAULT_SIGHASH_TYPE } from "scryptlib";
import { Provider } from "../abstract-provider";
import { Signer, SignTransactionOptions, SignatureRequest, SignatureResponse } from "../abstract-signer";
import { AddressOption } from "../types";
import { parseAddresses } from "../utils"
// see
interface SensiletWalletAPI {
isConnect(): Promise<boolean>;
requestAccount(): Promise<string>;
exitAccount(): void;
signTx(options: {
list: { txHex: string, address: string; inputIndex: number, scriptHex: string; satoshis: number, sigtype: number }[]
}): Promise<{
sigList: Array<{ publicKey: string, r: string, s: string, sig: string }>
// TODO: add rests
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
getPublicKey(): Promise<string>;
signMessage(msg: string): Promise<string>;
getBsvBalance(): Promise<{
address: string,
balance: { confirmed: number, unconfirmed: number, total: number }
signTransaction(txHex: string, inputInfos: {
inputIndex: number;
scriptHex: string;
satoshis: number;
sighashType: number;
address: number | string;
}[]): Promise<SigResult[]>;
interface SigResult {
sig: string;
publicKey: string;
* a [signer]{@link } which implemented the protocol with the [sensilet wallet]{@link},
* and dapps can use to interact with the Sensilet wallet
export class SensiletSigner extends Signer {
static readonly DEBUG_TAG = "SensiletSigner";
private _target: SensiletWalletAPI;
private _address: AddressOption;
constructor(provider: Provider) {
if (typeof (window as any).sensilet !== 'undefined') {
console.log(SensiletSigner.DEBUG_TAG, 'Sensilet is installed!');
this._target = (window as any).sensilet;
} else {
console.warn(SensiletSigner.DEBUG_TAG, "sensilet is not installed");
* Check if the wallet has been authenticated
* @returns {boolean} true | false
override isAuthenticated(): Promise<boolean> {
if (this._target) {
return this._target.isConnect();
return Promise.resolve(false);
* Request wallet authentication
* @returns A promise which resolves to if the wallet has been authenticated and the authenticate error message
override async requestAuth(): Promise<{ isAuthenticated: boolean, error: string }> {
let isAuthenticated: boolean = false
let error: string = ''
try {
await this.getConnectedTarget()
isAuthenticated = true
} catch (e) {
error = e.toString()
return Promise.resolve({ isAuthenticated, error })
private async getConnectedTarget(): Promise<SensiletWalletAPI> {
const isAuthenticated = await this.isAuthenticated()
if (!isAuthenticated) {
// trigger connecting to sensilet account when it's not authorized.
try {
const addr = await this._target.requestAccount();
this._address = bsv.Address.fromString(addr);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Sensilet requestAccount failed')
return this._target;
override async connect(provider?: Provider): Promise<this> {
// we should make sure sensilet is connected before we connect a provider.
const isAuthenticated = await this.isAuthenticated();
if (!isAuthenticated) {
throw new Error('Sensilet is not connected!');
if(provider) {
if (!provider.isConnected()) {
await provider.connect();
this.provider = provider;
} else {
if(this.provider) {
await this.provider.connect();
} else {
throw new Error(`No provider found`);
return this;
override async getDefaultAddress(): Promise<bsv.Address> {
const sensilet = await this.getConnectedTarget();
const address = await sensilet.getAddress();
return bsv.Address.fromString(address);
async getNetwork(): Promise<bsv.Networks.Network> {
const address = await this.getDefaultAddress();
override getBalance(address?: AddressOption): Promise<{ confirmed: number, unconfirmed: number }> {
if(address) {
return this.connectedProvider.getBalance(address);
return this.getConnectedTarget().then(target => target.getBsvBalance()).then(r => r.balance)
override async getDefaultPubKey(): Promise<PublicKey> {
const sensilet = await this.getConnectedTarget();
const pubKey = await sensilet.getPublicKey();
return Promise.resolve(new bsv.PublicKey(pubKey));
override async getPubKey(address: AddressOption): Promise<PublicKey> {
throw new Error(`Method ${}#getPubKey not implemented.`);
override async signRawTransaction(rawTxHex: string, options: SignTransactionOptions): Promise<string> {
const sigReqsByInputIndex: Map<number, SignatureRequest> = (options?.sigRequests || []).reduce((m, sigReq) => { m.set(sigReq.inputIndex, sigReq); return m; }, new Map());
const tx = new bsv.Transaction(rawTxHex);
tx.inputs.forEach((_, inputIndex) => {
const sigReq = sigReqsByInputIndex.get(inputIndex);
if (!sigReq) {
throw new Error(`\`SignatureRequest\` info should be provided for the input ${inputIndex} to call #signRawTransaction`)
const script = sigReq.scriptHex ? new bsv.Script(sigReq.scriptHex) : bsv.Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(sigReq.address.toString());
// set ref output of the input
tx.inputs[inputIndex].output = new bsv.Transaction.Output({
satoshis: sigReq.satoshis
const signedTx = await this.signTransaction(tx, options);
return signedTx.toString();
override async signTransaction(tx: Transaction, options?: SignTransactionOptions): Promise<Transaction> {
const network = await this.getNetwork();
// Generate default `sigRequests` if not passed by user
const sigRequests: SignatureRequest[] = options?.sigRequests?.length ? options.sigRequests :, inputIndex) => {
const useAddressToSign = options && options.address ? options.address :
? input.output.script.toAddress(network)
: this._address;
return {
prevTxId: toHex(input.prevTxId),
outputIndex: input.outputIndex,
satoshis: input.output?.satoshis,
address: useAddressToSign,
scriptHex: input.output?.script?.toHex(),
const sigResponses = await this.getSignatures(tx.toString(), sigRequests);
// Set the acquired signature as an unlocking script for the transaction
tx.inputs.forEach((input, inputIndex) => {
// TODO: multisig?
const sigResp = sigResponses.find(sigResp => sigResp.inputIndex === inputIndex);
if (sigResp && input.output?.script.isPublicKeyHashOut()) {
var unlockingScript = new bsv.Script("")
.add(Buffer.from(sigResp.sig, 'hex'))
.add(Buffer.from(sigResp.publicKey, 'hex'));
return tx;
override async signMessage(message: string, address?: AddressOption): Promise<string> {
if (address) {
throw new Error(`${}#signMessge with \`address\` param is not supported!`);
const sensilet = await this.getConnectedTarget();
return sensilet.signMessage(message);
override async getSignatures(rawTxHex: string, sigRequests: SignatureRequest[]): Promise<SignatureResponse[]> {
const network = await this.getNetwork()
const inputInfos = sigRequests.flatMap((sigReq) => {
const addresses = parseAddresses(sigReq.address, network);
return => {
let scriptHex = sigReq.scriptHex
if (!scriptHex) {
scriptHex = bsv.Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(address).toHex()
} else if (sigReq.csIdx !== undefined) {
scriptHex = bsv.Script.fromHex(scriptHex).subScript(sigReq.csIdx).toHex()
return {
txHex: rawTxHex,
inputIndex: sigReq.inputIndex,
satoshis: sigReq.satoshis,
sigtype: sigReq.sigHashType || DEFAULT_SIGHASH_TYPE,
address: address.toString()
const sensilet = await this.getConnectedTarget();
const sigResults = await sensilet.signTx({
list: inputInfos
return, idx) => {
return {
inputIndex: inputInfo.inputIndex,
sig: sigResults.sigList[idx].sig,
publicKey: sigResults.sigList[idx].publicKey,
sigHashType: sigRequests[idx].sigHashType || DEFAULT_SIGHASH_TYPE
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