June 18, 2011 19:07
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" | |
" Author: Zac McCormick | |
" | |
" | |
" | |
call pathogen#helptags() | |
call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() | |
set nocompatible | |
syntax enable | |
filetype on | |
filetype plugin on | |
filetype plugin indent on | |
set backup " enable backup just because I can, SSD FTW | |
set directory=~/.vim/tmp " don't litter my drive with .swp files | |
set backupdir=~/.vim/backup " put backup files in .vim directory | |
set showcmd " show current command in status bar | |
set showmatch " show matching braces | |
set ruler " always show the line info | |
set hlsearch " highlight search results | |
set incsearch " search as the expression is being typed | |
set number " show line numbers | |
set noerrorbells " beeps = no | |
set visualbell " visual bellz | |
set tabstop=4 " 1 tab = 4 spaces | |
set shiftwidth=4 " indenting | |
set autoindent " it does what it says | |
set smartindent " it also does what it says, only smarter | |
set noequalalways " all windows are not created equal | |
set winminwidth=0 " let me make windows resize down to 0 | |
set shell=/bin/bash " s3tup my sh3ll, bro | |
set guioptions+=LlRrb " minimal | |
set guioptions-=LlRrb " YAGNI | |
set guioptions-=T " hide toolbar | |
set background=dark " dark ftw | |
set nowrap " disable word wrapping | |
set lines=999 " make it big | |
set laststatus=2 " always show the status window | |
set linespace=0 " set linespace to 0 so it looks pleasing | |
set guifont=Inconsolata\ XL:h13 " | |
set antialias " pretty text | |
if has("gui_running") | |
set fuoptions=maxvert,maxhorz " full screen is FULL SCREEN | |
set relativenumber " relative line numberz | |
set transparency=4 " yes, I tried 3 and 5. | |
endif | |
"create temp/backup directories if they don't exist | |
silent execute '!mkdir -p ~/.vim/backup' | |
silent execute '!mkdir -p ~/.vim/tmp' | |
colorscheme ir_black | |
"ir_black tweaks, mostly makes NERDTree look prettier | |
hi directory term=bold gui=bold guifg=#fcfcfc guibg=#111111 | |
hi normal guifg=#e7e3cb guibg=#111111 | |
" \d will hide/show the tree | |
" \b expands to :NERDTreeFromBookmark and then you can autocomplete the name of a bookmark | |
map <leader>d :execute 'NERDTreeToggle ' . getcwd()<CR> | |
map <leader>b :NERDTreeFromBookmark | |
let NERDTreeIgnore=['\.pyc$', '\~$'] "ignore pyc files and anything ending with a ~ | |
let NERDTreeQuitOnOpen=0 " don't collapse NERDTree when a file is opened | |
let NERDTreeDirArrows=1 " ASCII art doesn't work for me | |
let NERDTreeMinimalUI=1 " YAGNI | |
" window navigation shortcuts, ctrl h j k l | |
nnoremap <c-j> <c-w>j | |
nnoremap <c-k> <c-w>k | |
nnoremap <c-h> <c-w>h | |
nnoremap <c-l> <c-w>l | |
" window resizing shortcuts, ctrl u i o p | |
nnoremap <c-u> <c-w>< | |
nnoremap <c-p> <c-w>> | |
nnoremap <c-i> <c-w>+ | |
nnoremap <c-o> <c-w>- | |
" shift-enter to exit from insert mode | |
inoremap <S-CR> <Esc>l | |
" % hurts my fingers to type | |
" nnoremap <tab> % | |
vnoremap <tab> % | |
" quicker command mode | |
nnoremap ; : | |
"javascript files | |
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.json set filetype=javascript | |
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.geojson set filetype=javascript | |
autocmd VimEnter * hi NERDTreeDir guifg=#eeeeee gui=bold | |
autocmd VimEnter * hi NERDTreeDirSlash guifg=#eeeeee | |
autocmd VimEnter * hi NERDTreeExecFile gui=none | |
" vim-gist setup | |
let g:gist_detect_filetype = 1 " auto detect file type from file name | |
let g:gist_clip_command = 'pbcopy' " copy link to clipboard after it's posted | |
" Remember last location in file | |
if has("autocmd") | |
au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | |
\| exe "normal g'\"" | endif | |
endif | |
" Command-T | |
let g:CommandTMaxHeight=20 | |
let g:CommandTMatchWindowReverse=1 | |
" | |
" Everything below is from Janus. | |
" | |
" | |
" | |
" Project Tree | |
autocmd VimEnter * call s:CdIfDirectory(expand("<amatch>")) | |
autocmd FocusGained * call s:UpdateNERDTree() | |
autocmd WinEnter * call s:CloseIfOnlyNerdTreeLeft() | |
" Close all open buffers on entering a window if the only | |
" buffer that's left is the NERDTree buffer | |
function s:CloseIfOnlyNerdTreeLeft() | |
if exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") | |
if bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeBufName) != -1 | |
if winnr("$") == 1 | |
q | |
endif | |
endif | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
" If the parameter is a directory, cd into it | |
function s:CdIfDirectory(directory) | |
let explicitDirectory = isdirectory(a:directory) | |
let directory = explicitDirectory || empty(a:directory) | |
if explicitDirectory | |
exe "cd " . fnameescape(a:directory) | |
endif | |
" Allows reading from stdin | |
" ex: git diff | mvim -R - | |
if strlen(a:directory) == 0 | |
return | |
endif | |
if directory | |
NERDTree | |
wincmd p | |
bd | |
endif | |
if explicitDirectory | |
wincmd p | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
" NERDTree utility function | |
function s:UpdateNERDTree(...) | |
let stay = 0 | |
if(exists("a:1")) | |
let stay = a:1 | |
end | |
if exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") | |
let nr = bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeBufName) | |
if nr != -1 | |
exe nr . "wincmd w" | |
exe substitute(mapcheck("R"), "<CR>", "", "") | |
if !stay | |
wincmd p | |
end | |
endif | |
endif | |
if exists(":CommandTFlush") == 2 | |
CommandTFlush | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
" Utility functions to create file commands | |
function s:CommandCabbr(abbreviation, expansion) | |
execute 'cabbrev ' . a:abbreviation . ' <c-r>=getcmdpos() == 1 && getcmdtype() == ":" ? "' . a:expansion . '" : "' . a:abbreviation . '"<CR>' | |
endfunction | |
function s:FileCommand(name, ...) | |
if exists("a:1") | |
let funcname = a:1 | |
else | |
let funcname = a:name | |
endif | |
execute 'command -nargs=1 -complete=file ' . a:name . ' :call ' . funcname . '(<f-args>)' | |
endfunction | |
function s:DefineCommand(name, destination) | |
call s:FileCommand(a:destination) | |
call s:CommandCabbr(a:name, a:destination) | |
endfunction | |
" Public NERDTree-aware versions of builtin functions | |
function ChangeDirectory(dir, ...) | |
execute "cd " . fnameescape(a:dir) | |
let stay = exists("a:1") ? a:1 : 1 | |
NERDTree | |
if !stay | |
wincmd p | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
function Touch(file) | |
execute "!touch " . shellescape(a:file, 1) | |
call s:UpdateNERDTree() | |
endfunction | |
function Remove(file) | |
let current_path = expand("%") | |
let removed_path = fnamemodify(a:file, ":p") | |
if (current_path == removed_path) && (getbufvar("%", "&modified")) | |
echo "You are trying to remove the file you are editing. Please close the buffer first." | |
else | |
execute "!rm " . shellescape(a:file, 1) | |
endif | |
call s:UpdateNERDTree() | |
endfunction | |
function Mkdir(file) | |
execute "!mkdir " . shellescape(a:file, 1) | |
call s:UpdateNERDTree() | |
endfunction | |
function Edit(file) | |
if exists("b:NERDTreeRoot") | |
wincmd p | |
endif | |
execute "e " . fnameescape(a:file) | |
ruby << RUBY | |
destination = File.expand_path(VIM.evaluate(%{system("dirname " . shellescape(a:file, 1))})) | |
pwd = File.expand_path(Dir.pwd) | |
home = pwd == File.expand_path("~") | |
if home ||"^" + Regexp.escape(pwd)) !~ destination | |
VIM.command(%{call ChangeDirectory(fnamemodify(a:file, ":h"), 0)}) | |
end | |
RUBY | |
endfunction | |
" Define the NERDTree-aware aliases | |
call s:DefineCommand("cd", "ChangeDirectory") | |
call s:DefineCommand("touch", "Touch") | |
call s:DefineCommand("rm", "Remove") | |
call s:DefineCommand("e", "Edit") | |
call s:DefineCommand("mkdir", "Mkdir") |
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