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rossant / handsondataframe.ipynb
Created March 10, 2014 12:08
Excel-like data grid editor for Pandas in the IPython notebook with Handsontable
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Kerrick / gist:2716568
Created May 17, 2012 05:08
HOWTO install Sublime Text 2 in Debian Squeeze
# Download Sublime Text 2 from
# If you aren't root, sudo su
tar -xvjf Sublime\ Text\ 2*.tar.bz2
mv Sublime\ Text\ 2/ /opt/sublime-text-2/
ln -s /opt/sublime-text-2 /usr/local/sublime-text-2
ln -s /usr/local/sublime-text-2/sublime_text /usr/local/bin/sublime_text
rm Sublime\ Text\ 2*.tar.bz2
# Sublime Text 2 can now be run as normal user with command "sublime_text"
zhogan85 /
Created April 23, 2012 15:06 — forked from vasilisvg/
This is my backup script which syncs my server to my dropbox every day.

The script below is triggered every day from my Mac. I use Hazel to move the tar.gz to an external hard disk once it's finished. This happens every day without me noticing.

You should have a similar script.