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Created April 6, 2016 04:47
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class Solution:
# @param s, an input string
# @param p, a pattern string
# @return a boolean
def isMatch(self, s, p):
s_len = len(s)
p_len = len(p)
dp = [[None for j in xrange(p_len + 1)] for i in xrange(2)]
# init
dp[0][0] = True
# when p is an empty string
dp[1][0] = False
# when s is an empty string
for i in xrange(1, p_len + 1):
dp[0][i] = dp[0][i - 1] and p[i - 1] == '*'
# dp programming
for i in xrange(1, s_len + 1):
mod_i = i % 2
mod_i_minus_1 = (i - 1) % 2
for j in xrange(1, p_len + 1):
ch = p[j - 1]
if ch == '?':
dp[mod_i][j] = dp[mod_i_minus_1][j - 1]
elif ch == '*':
# For * char, either matches the current character or nothing
dp[mod_i][j] = dp[mod_i_minus_1][j] or dp[mod_i][j - 1]
dp[mod_i][j] = dp[mod_i_minus_1][j - 1] if ch == s[i - 1] else False
return dp[s_len % 2][p_len]
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