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Forked from jehiah/lru_cache.c
Created May 23, 2012 07:25
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a LRU cache in C using uthash
#include <string.h>
#include <uthash.h>
// this is an example of how to do a LRU cache in C using uthash
// by Jehiah Czebotar 2011 - [email protected]
// this code is in the public domain
#define MAX_CACHE_SIZE 100000
struct CacheEntry {
char *key;
char *value;
UT_hash_handle hh;
struct CacheEntry *cache = NULL;
char *value find_in_cache(char *key)
struct CacheEntry *entry;
HASH_FIND_STR(cache, key, entry)
if (entry) {
// remove it (so the subsequent add will throw it on the front of the list)
HASH_DELETE(hh, cache, entry);
HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, cache, entry->key, strlen(entry->key), entry);
return entry->value;
return NULL;
void add_to_cache(char *key, char *value)
struct CacheEntry *entry, *tmp_entry;
entry = malloc(sizeof(struct CacheEntry));
entry->key = strdup(key);
entry->value = strdup(value);
HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, cache, entry->key, strlen(entry->key), entry);
// prune the cache to MAX_CACHE_SIZE
if (HASH_COUNT(cache) >= MAX_CACHE_SIZE) {
HASH_ITER(hh, cache, entry, tmp_entry) {
// prune the first entry (loop is based on insertion order so this deletes the oldest item)
HASH_DELETE(hh, cache, entry);
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