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only silver bullet is silver bullet.

Ya Zhuang zhuangya

only silver bullet is silver bullet.
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khalidx /
Last active March 12, 2025 22:35
A Node + TypeScript + ts-node + ESM experience that works.

The experience of using Node.JS with TypeScript, ts-node, and ESM is horrible.

There are countless guides of how to integrate them, but none of them seem to work.

Here's what worked for me.

Just add the following files and run npm run dev. You'll be good to go!


Pigamo / Vite MultiImage import
Last active November 7, 2024 09:16
Imports multiple images from a folder using Vite globs
const gallery = Object.values(import.meta.glob('@assets/*.{png,jpg,jpeg,PNG,JPEG}', { eager: true, as: 'url' }))
numToStr / au.lua
Last active August 20, 2023 05:15
Neovim autocmd in lua
-- Move this file to your neovim lua runtime path ie. ~/.config/nvim/lua/au.lua
local cmd = vim.api.nvim_command
local function autocmd(this, event, spec)
local is_table = type(spec) == 'table'
local pattern = is_table and spec[1] or '*'
local action = is_table and spec[2] or spec
if type(action) == 'function' then
tekin / .gitattributes
Last active December 2, 2024 14:23
An example .gitattributes file that will configure custom hunk header patterns for some common languages and file formats. See for more details.
# Stick this in your home directory and point your Global Git config at it by running:
# $ git config --global core.attributesfile ~/.gitattributes
# See for more details
*.c diff=cpp
*.h diff=cpp
*.c++ diff=cpp
*.h++ diff=cpp
chriselsner /
Last active September 19, 2024 00:46
Nix on macOS Catalina

Nix on macOS Catalina

I'm writing this gist for my own records but it might help someone else too.

Installing Nix

Support for Catalina has improved a lot since the update was first rolled out.

Note: See the NixOS manual for discussion of the --darwin-use-unencrypted-nix-store-volume option.

reorx /
Last active July 27, 2022 15:50
Thunderbird customization configs
kellishouts / usercss-hacked-gmail.css
Last active October 20, 2023 04:42
I Hacked Gmail with an Inbox-Inspired Theme :D
/*--- #3. Hack the Tab Labels ---*/
/* Hide Ugly Tab Labels */
.aAy.aIf-aLe .aKx .aKz,
.aAy.aJi-aLe .aKx .aKz,
.aAy.aH2-aLe .aKx .aKz,
.aAy.aHE-aLe .aKx .aKz{
display: none;
dcava / gist:77049d346094d0771fe6c0cee0bf3079
Created January 28, 2019 11:43
Wireguard compile for synology
[Guide] [Intermediate] How to install Wireguard VPN
After lots of trial and error I figured out how to compile Wireguard for my DS718+. The first thing I did was search in this sub for a guide but didn't find any.
Wireguard is still experimental software. You should stay up-to-date with the daily snapshots.
This guide also requires familiarity with the command line and how to build software from source.
gravitylow /
Last active March 10, 2025 16:38 — forked from hlissner/
Codesign gdb on macOS

If you are getting this in gdb on macOS while trying to run a program:

Unable to find Mach task port for process-id 57573: (os/kern) failure (0x5).
 (please check gdb is codesigned - see taskgated(8))
  1. Open Keychain Access
  2. In menu, open Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Create a certificate
  3. Give it a name (e.g. gdbc)
dlants /
Last active March 5, 2021 06:13
denite setup with interactive ag pattern-search of project contents


First things first, I want to use ag to search through my project files. Coming from fzf, I like to have two bindings for this -- one that respects my projects .gitignore and one that does not. The latter is helpful if I want to examine a built file or look at a node_module dependency while working on my js project.

I use an alias for file_rec source to toggle the -u flag on ag. Now, <C-P> searches in my git files, and <C-O> searches everything.

" denite file search (c-p uses gitignore, c-o looks at everything)
map <C-P> :DeniteProjectDir -buffer-name=git -direction=top file_rec/git<CR>
map  :DeniteProjectDir -buffer-name=files -direction=top file_rec