For enabling Universal Control on older Macs, there are three ways.
(All of these requires you to enable the feature flag and disable SIP)
- Use khronokernel's kext:
(I haven't tried this but it looks like it'd work)
clang -o liboverride_model.dylib override_model.c -framework IOKit -framework CoreFoundation -shared
sudo launchctl debug gui/$UID/ --environment DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES="/Users/zhuowei/liboverride_model.dylib"
launchctl stop
launchctl start
- use lldb:
sudo launchctl debug gui/$UID/ --start-suspended
launchctl stop
launchctl start
lldb -n UniversalControl
b PlatformModelIsSupported
thread return 1
thread return 1
Hello, great work in finding how to unlock the Universal Control, I tested your method on Monterey beta 6 build 21A5506j and using just that feature flag (codename Ensemble) worked and allowed to detect on Displays prefpane the Advanced tab for Universal Control.
But I'd want to try also your other method on an unsupported Monterey Mac, that is through "liboverride_model.dylib", so both csrutil and amfi disabled, I build that dylib (compiled size 50 KB), insert that dyld library getting this output "Service configured for next launch", then relaunch the process ensemble but opening the Displays prefpane no advanced tab is shown.
Another question, after inserting your dyld library is supposed to show the spoofed supported Universal Control Mac model identifier also on system profiler ?
even if Displays Advanced tab is not shown seems that Universal Control service is running, moreover your liboverride_model.dylib unlocked also Sidecar prefpane.