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Created August 5, 2017 05:28
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  1. 把所有的图像文件名称放到一个文件里, 一行一个
  2. 把图像文件名读到一个tcl的列表里 注意tcNames需要是全局变量
set FSIZE_B 100
set gcnt 0
array set tcNames { }
# read out the testcase name fromt he file
proc getTCNames {path} {
    global tcNames
    set fileHandle [open $path {RDONLY}]
    set tcNames [split [read $fileHandle nonewline] "\n"]
    close $fileHandle
  1. 定义load 文件函数
proc loadNewFile {{mempath "dut.m1.sram.mem"}} {
  global gcnt
  global tcNames
  set filename [lindex $tcNames $gcnt]
  puts $filename

  #if the file size is less than FSIZE_B, then wait
  while { [file size $filename] < $FSIZE_B } {
  	sleep 1s

  memory -load $mempath -file $filename
  incr gcnt;
  1. 定义sdl
# if the current image id processed, load the new image
INSTANCE loadNext;
state s0 {
    if (dut.BFM.nextImg == 'bP)
        DISPLAY("the current image is done at %t");
        exec "loadNewFile";
# if the all testcase is done
state s0 {
    if ( dut.BFM.done == 1 ) {
        DISPLAY("the emulation is done at %t");
  1. run script
getTCNames ../tc_list
sdl -load ld.tdf
sdl -enable
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