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Created February 19, 2020 23:40
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<h1 id="zhixuan-lai">Zhixuan Lai</h1>
<c>[email protected], Twitter: <a href="">@zhxnlai</a>, Github: <a href=""></a>, Website: <a href=""></a></c>
<h2 id="experience">Experience</h2>
<h4 id="square">Square</h4>
<p><t>Software Engineer - Cash App Product Platform </t><d>June 2019 - Present</d></p>
<li>Build primitive tools and services to speed up developer productivity and feature velocity.</li>
<li>Migrate features out of legacy systems.</li>
<li>Scale systems to Cash App&#39;s growing customer base.</li>
<h4 id="tinder">Tinder</h4>
<p><t>Software Engineer - Backend Platform </t><d>Sept 2018 - June 2019</d></p>
<li>Improved the event infrastructure and used it to decouple core services.</li>
<li>Maintained and launched experiments to tune the backend recommendation engine.</li>
<li>Modularized the caching layer and migrated it to ElastiCache.</li>
<p><t>Software Engineer - Android Platform </t><d>Sept 2016 - Sept 2018</d></p>
<li>Developed Tinder Gold on Android, which made Tinder the #1 top grossing app.</li>
<li>Designed frameworks and libraries that enabled other engineers to build user facing features</li>
<li>Modularized the Android app to improve productivity of the growing team</li>
<h4 id="google">Google</h4>
<p><t>Software Engineering Intern</t><d>June 2015 — Sept 2015</d></p>
<li>Implemented the time bar preview feature for YouTube Android and iOS app</li>
<li>Optimized performance for emerging markets</li>
<h4 id="-cdg-labs-https-github-com-cdglabs-viewpoint-research-institute-http-vpri-org-"><a href="">CDG Labs</a> / <a href="">Viewpoint Research Institute</a></h4>
<p><t>Research Intern</t><d>Mar 2015 — June 2015</d></p>
<li>Worked in Alan Kay&#39;s Lab on a <a href="">Prolog Visualizer</a> using <a href="">Ohm</a>, a pattern matching language. It was used in UCLA <a href="">CS131</a> (programming languages) class to teach Prolog</li>
<h2 id="projects">Projects</h2>
<h4 id="open-source">Open Source</h4>
<li><a href="">Tinder/Scarlet</a><ul>
<li>A <a href="">Retrofit</a> inspired library for WebSocket, ServerSentEvent, Socket IO, STOMP, and MQTT written in Kotlin</li>
<li><a href="">Tinder/StateMachine</a><ul>
<li>A Kotlin DSL for finite state machine</li>
<li><a href="">ZLSwipeableViewSwift</a><ul>
<li>A Tinder like UI library originally developed for <a href="">Murmur</a> that has 1.8K+ stars on Github</li>
<li><a href="">Printf Visualizer</a><ul>
<li>A visualizer for printf format string built with React</li>
<li>For more of my open source projects, see: <a href=""></a></li>
<h4 id="conferences">Conferences</h4>
<li><a href="">Taming WebSocket With Scarlet</a><ul>
<li>Speaker at droidcon SF 2018, Devoxx Morocco 2018, Mobile Era 2018, Mobiconf 2018, and Conference for Kotliners 2018</li>
<li><a href="">24K Magic with Shimmy</a><ul>
<li>Speaker at DevFest LA 2017</li>
<h4 id="awards">Awards</h4>
<li><a href="">Student scholarship</a> winner at WWDC 2015</li>
<li><a href="">Horoscoper</a>, winner of Top Ten and Best VR Hack at HackUCI 2014<ul>
<li>A multiplayer virtual planetarium simulator for Oculus Rift developed with Unity3d</li>
<li><a href="">Intersolar</a>, HackSC 2014<ul>
<li>A virtual solar system based on Horoscoper, featuring enhanced graphics and arm gesture control using Myo</li>
<li><a href="">Spacinarium</a>, winner of DAQRI grand price at LAHacks 2014<ul>
<li>A multiplayer AR game developed with Unity3d, Vuforia and DAQRI Instant On</li>
<h2 id="education">Education</h2>
<p><t>University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)</t><d>2012 - 2016</d></p>
<li>Mathematics of Computation B.S.</li>
<script id="jsbin-source-html" type="text/html"># Zhixuan Lai
<c>[email protected], Twitter: [@zhxnlai](, Github: [](, Website: [](</c>
#### Square
<t>Software Engineer - Cash App Product Platform </t><d>June 2019 - Present</d>
- Build primitive tools and services to speed up developer productivity and feature velocity.
- Migrate features out of legacy systems.
- Scale systems to Cash App's growing customer base.
#### Tinder
<t>Software Engineer - Backend Platform </t><d>Sept 2018 - June 2019</d>
- Improved the event infrastructure and used it to decouple core services.
- Maintained and launched experiments to tune the backend recommendation engine.
- Modularized the caching layer and migrated it to ElastiCache.
<t>Software Engineer - Android Platform </t><d>Sept 2016 - Sept 2018</d>
- Developed Tinder Gold on Android, which made Tinder the #1 top grossing app.
- Designed frameworks and libraries that enabled other engineers to build user facing features
- Modularized the Android app to improve productivity of the growing team
#### Google
<t>Software Engineering Intern</t><d>June 2015 — Sept 2015</d>
- Implemented the time bar preview feature for YouTube Android and iOS app
- Optimized performance for emerging markets
#### [CDG Labs]( / [Viewpoint Research Institute](
<t>Research Intern</t><d>Mar 2015 — June 2015</d>
- Worked in Alan Kay's Lab on a [Prolog Visualizer]( using [Ohm](, a pattern matching language. It was used in UCLA [CS131]( (programming languages) class to teach Prolog
#### Open Source
- [Tinder/Scarlet](
- A [Retrofit]( inspired library for WebSocket, ServerSentEvent, Socket IO, STOMP, and MQTT written in Kotlin
- [Tinder/StateMachine](
- A Kotlin DSL for finite state machine
- [ZLSwipeableViewSwift](
- A Tinder like UI library originally developed for [Murmur]( that has 1.8K+ stars on Github
- [Printf Visualizer](
- A visualizer for printf format string built with React
- For more of my open source projects, see:
#### Conferences
- [Taming WebSocket With Scarlet](
- Speaker at droidcon SF 2018, Devoxx Morocco 2018, Mobile Era 2018, Mobiconf 2018, and Conference for Kotliners 2018
- [24K Magic with Shimmy](
- Speaker at DevFest LA 2017
#### Awards
- [Student scholarship]( winner at WWDC 2015
- [Horoscoper](, winner of Top Ten and Best VR Hack at HackUCI 2014
- A multiplayer virtual planetarium simulator for Oculus Rift developed with Unity3d
- [Intersolar](, HackSC 2014
- A virtual solar system based on Horoscoper, featuring enhanced graphics and arm gesture control using Myo
- [Spacinarium](, winner of DAQRI grand price at LAHacks 2014
- A multiplayer AR game developed with Unity3d, Vuforia and DAQRI Instant On
<t>University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)</t><d>2012 - 2016</d>
- Mathematics of Computation B.S.
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