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Last active December 5, 2016 15:32
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sealed class Maybe<out T> {
infix fun <R> flatMap(f: (T) -> Maybe<R>): Maybe<R> {
when (this) {
is Just -> return f(this.value)
None -> return None
infix fun <R> map(f: (T) -> R): Maybe<R> {
when (this) {
is Just -> return Just(f(this.value))
None -> return None
companion object {
fun <T> unit(value: T): Maybe<T> {
return Just(value)
class Just<out T>(val value: T) : Maybe<T>()
object None : Maybe<Nothing>()
class State<S, out T>(val runState: (S) -> Pair<T, S>) {
infix fun <R> bind(f: (T) -> State<S, R>): State<S, R> {
return State {
it ->
val (value, state) = this.runState(it)
infix fun <R> map(f: (T) -> R): State<S, R> {
return State {
state ->
val (value, prevState) = runState(state)
val newValue = f(value)
Pair(newValue, prevState)
companion object {
fun <S, T> unit(value: T) = State<S, T> { Pair(value, it) }
fun <S> get(): State<S, S> = State { Pair(it, it) }
fun <S> put(state: S): State<S, Unit> = State { Pair(Unit, state) }
class Reader<E, out T>(val runReader: (E) -> T) {
infix fun <R> bind(f: (T) -> Reader<E, R>): Reader<E, R> {
return Reader {
val value = this.runReader(it)
infix fun <R> map(f: (T) -> R): Reader<E, R> {
return Reader {
val value = runReader(it)
companion object {
fun <E, T> unit(value: T) = Reader<E, T> { value }
fun <E> ask(): Reader<E, E> = Reader { it }
class Writer<out V, L>(val runWriter: () -> Pair<V, List<L>>) {
infix fun <R> bind(f: (V) -> Writer<R, L>): Writer<R, L> {
return Writer({
val (value, log) = runWriter()
val (newValue, newLog) = f(value).runWriter()
Pair(newValue, log + newLog)
infix fun <R> map(f: (V) -> R): Writer<R, L> {
return Writer {
val (value, log) = runWriter()
Pair(f(value), log)
companion object {
fun <V, L> unit(value: V) = Writer { Pair(value, emptyList<L>()) }
fun <V, L> tell(value: V, log: List<L>): Writer<V, L> = Writer { Pair(value, log) }
fun <L> tell(log: L) = Writer<Unit, L> { Pair(Unit, listOf(log)) }
class MonadTest {
fun testMaybeMonad() {
val result = Maybe.unit(1) flatMap {
if (it > 0) Maybe.unit("Hello") else Maybe.None
} map {
"Hi, $it"
} map {
"$it ..."
} map {
} map {
it + 10
when (result) {
is Maybe.Just -> println("value = ${result.value}")
Maybe.None -> println("None")
fun testStateMonad() {
val state = State.unit<Int, String>("Hello") bind {
value ->
State.get<Int>() bind {
state ->
if (state > 3) {
State.put(100) bind {
State.unit<Int, String>(value)
} else {
State.unit<Int, String>("Not greater than 3")
} map {
it + "..."
val (v, s) = state.runState(1)
println("v = $v, s = $s")
val (vv, ss) = state.runState(10)
println("v = $vv, s = $ss")
fun testReaderMonad() {
val program = Reader.unit<Int, Int>(10) bind {
Reader.unit<Int, Int>(it + 10)
} bind {
value ->
Reader.ask<Int>() bind {
env ->
Reader.unit<Int, Int>(value + env)
} map {
it + 20
val result = program.runReader(1000)
println("Result = $result")
fun testWriterMonad() {
val p = Writer.unit<Int, String>(1) map {
it + 1
} map {
it + 2
} bind {
Writer.tell(it, listOf("Hello, $it"))
} map {
it + 10
} bind {
Writer.tell(it, listOf("Yes, now, it's $it"))
val (value, log) = p.runWriter()
println("value = $value, log = $log")
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