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Forked from BertrandBordage/
Last active June 25, 2019 06:05
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Python Paradox database reader
# coding: utf-8
Converts Paradox databases to Python objects or CSV.
You don't need any dependency (except Python) to make this module work.
This module is incomplete but reads most Paradox `.DB` files.
If this module is not fast or complete enough for you, consider using pxview.
from __future__ import division
import csv
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from struct import unpack
force_text = unicode
except NameError:
force_text = str
__author__ = 'Bertrand Bordage'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2014 Bertrand Bordage'
__license__ = 'MIT'
field_types = {
1: 'A', # string
2: 'D', # date
3: 'S', # short integer
4: 'I', # integer
5: '$', # money
6: 'N', # number
9: 'L', # logical (boolean)
12: 'M', # memo
20: 'T', # time
21: '@', # timestamp
22: '+', # autoincrement
def unpack_signed(fmt, s, complement):
v = unpack(fmt, s)[0]
if v == 0:
if v < 0:
return v + complement
return v - complement
I_COMPLEMENT = 1 << (4*8 - 1)
H_COMPLEMENT = 1 << (2*8 - 1)
B_COMPLEMENT = 1 << (1*8 - 1)
def unpack_i(s):
return unpack_signed('>i', s, I_COMPLEMENT)
def unpack_h(s):
return unpack_signed('>h', s, H_COMPLEMENT)
def unpack_b(s):
return bool(unpack_signed('>b', s, B_COMPLEMENT))
def unpack_d(s):
return -unpack('>d', s)[0]
def to_date(s):
ordinal = unpack_i(s)
if ordinal is None:
return date.fromordinal(ordinal)
except ValueError:
def to_time(s):
seconds = unpack_i(s)
if seconds is None:
seconds //= 1000
return (datetime.min + timedelta(seconds=seconds)).time()
SECONDS_PER_DAY = 60*60*24
def to_datetime(s):
seconds = int(unpack_d(s) // 1000)
ordinal, seconds = divmod(seconds, SECONDS_PER_DAY)
d = datetime.fromordinal(ordinal)
return d + timedelta(seconds=seconds)
except ValueError:
def decode_data(t, v, input_encoding):
if t == 'A':
return v.strip('\x00').decode(input_encoding)
if t == 'S':
return unpack_h(v)
if t == 'L':
return unpack_b(v)
if t == 'I':
return unpack_i(v)
if t == 'D':
return to_date(v)
if t == 'T':
return to_time(v)
if t == '@':
return to_datetime(v)
if t in ('N', '$'):
return unpack_d(v)
if t == 'M':
return '' # TODO: handle memos
if t == '+':
return unpack_i(v)
return v
def read(filename, dict_output=False, input_encoding='iso-8859-1'):
Converts a Paradox .DB file to Python objects.
db_file = open(filename, 'rb')
header =
header_size = unpack('>H', header[2:4])[0]
header =*1024//4)
block_size = ord(header[5])
n_fields = ord(header[33])
parts = header.split(filename.split('/')[-1])
headers, data = parts
defs = headers[120:]
columns = data.strip('\x00').split('\x00')[:n_fields]
fields = []
for i, column in enumerate(columns):
t = field_types[ord(defs[i*2])]
length = ord(defs[i*2+1])
fields.append((column, t, length))
record_size = sum([length for _, _, length in fields])
blank_record = '\x00' * record_size
# FIXME: I don't know why, but this is not working without dividing
# header size by 4.
data_offset = header_size*1024//4
rows = []
block_index = 0
previous_record = None
while True:
offset = data_offset + block_index * block_size * 1024
block_header =
offset += 6
next_block_offset = data_offset + (block_index+1) * block_size * 1024
while offset + record_size < next_block_offset:
record =
if len(record) < record_size or record == blank_record:
if record == previous_record:
offset += record_size
previous_record = record
row = []
for k, t, size in fields:
v =
offset += size
v = decode_data(t, v, input_encoding)
row.append((k, v))
is_last_block = unpack('>H', block_header[0:2])[0] == 0
if is_last_block:
block_index += 1
if dict_output:
rows = map(dict, rows)
return fields, rows
def to_csv(filename, output_filename=None):
Converts a Paradox .DB to a CSV file.
fields, data = read(filename)
fieldnames = [c for c, _, _ in fields]
if output_filename is None:
output_filename = filename + '.csv'
d = csv.DictWriter(open(output_filename, 'w'), fieldnames)
if isinstance(data, list):
data = map(dict, data)
d.writerows([dict([(k, force_text(v).encode('utf-8')) for k, v in row])
for row in data])
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zicowarn commented Apr 1, 2016

  1. read file with flag 'rb', read as binary file to solve the problem that can not read specific length. if not, the contents of some line will lost.
  2. To further ensure the function d.writerows() run success, if data is a list, will raise error "ValueError, too many values unpack"

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