.8086 |
.model tiny |
inp macro port |
mov dx, port |
in al, dx |
tick3 |
endm |
inpw macro port |
mov dx, port |
in ax, dx |
tick3 |
endm |
movedataw macro src, dest, size |
setds src ; DS = source |
setes dest ; ES = dest |
mov cx, size ; CX = size in words |
rep movsw ; copy! |
endm |
outp macro port, data |
mov al, data |
mov dx, port |
out dx, al |
tick3 |
endm |
outpw macro port, data |
mov ax, data |
mov dx, port |
out dx, ax |
tick3 |
endm |
setborder macro color |
inp 0x3DA ; clear VGA attribute flip-flop |
outp 0x3C0, 0x11 ; select VGA register 0x11 (overscan color) |
outp 0x3C0, color ; set color |
endm |
setds macro seg |
mov ax, seg ; |
mov ds, ax ; set DS to provided segment |
xor si, si ; set DS:SI = seg:0000 |
endm |
setes macro seg |
mov ax, seg ; |
mov es, ax ; set ES to provided segment |
xor di, di ; set ES:DI = seg:0000 |
endm |
tick macro |
db 0xeb, 0x00 ; jmp to the next instruction, as a delay |
endm |
tick3 macro |
tick |
tick |
tick |
endm |
wd76_lock macro |
outp 0xf073, 0x00 ; lock registers |
endm |
wd76_unlock macro |
outp 0xf073, 0xda ; unlock registers |
endm |
.code |
; |
; setsize - sets the memory size register to whatever is passed in ax |
; |
public setsize_ |
setsize_ proc near |
mov bx, ax ; we need to stash this for a moment |
setborder 0x04 ; red |
setds cs |
lea si, [setsize_vram] ; the start of the data to copy |
setes 0xB800 |
xor di, di ; set VRAM offset |
mov ax, end_setsize_code ; |
sub ax, setsize_vram ; set ax to number of bytes to copy |
shr ax, 1 ; |
mov cx, ax ; setup copy |
rep movsw ; perform copy |
setborder 0x05 ; magenta |
setds 0xB800 |
mov ax, bx ; put the parameter in ax |
jmp 0xB800, 0x0500 ; jump to VRAM, offset by our buffers |
hlt ; you shouldn't get here |
setsize_vram: |
db 0x0400 dup (0x00) ; space for the entire IVT, 1024 bytes |
db 0x0100 dup (0x00) ; space for the entire BDA, 256 bytes |
setsize_code_start: |
mov bx, ax ; ax and cx are used later |
setborder 0x01 ; blue |
cli ; clear interrupts |
setborder 0x38 ; lavender |
; |
; backup IVT and BDA |
; |
movedataw 0x0000, 0xB800, 0x0200 ; backup the IVT (0x200 words = 1024 bytes) |
movedataw 0x0040, 0xB840, 0x0080 ; backup the BDA (0x80 words = 256 bytes) |
setds 0xB800 ; put DS back to this segment |
; |
; set our new memory size, which jumbles all RAM |
; except VRAM |
; |
wd76_unlock |
setborder 0x02 ; green |
mov ax, bx ; put the new size back |
outpw 0x3872, ax ; write the new memory size |
setborder 0x07 ; white |
; |
; restore IVT and BDA |
; |
movedataw 0xB800, 0x0000, 0x0200 ; restore the IVT |
movedataw 0xB840, 0x0040, 0x0080 ; restore the BDA |
setds 0xB800 ; put DS back to this segment |
setborder 0x03 ; cyan |
; |
; disable BIOS shadowing and write protect |
; |
inpw 0x6072 ; get current value of RAM shadow & WP register |
mov cx, ax ; store original register in cx |
and ax, 0xECFF ; mask out the shadow write protect and disable shadowing |
mov bx, ax ; move to bx so I don't have to write another macro |
outpw 0x6072, bx ; disable RAM shadow write protect + shadowing |
mov bx, cx ; store original register in bx so we don't overwrite it |
setborder 0x09 ; bright blue |
wd76_lock |
; |
; backup the unshadowed BIOS |
; |
movedataw 0xe000, 0x4000, 0x8000 ; backup VGA BIOS to 0x4000 |
movedataw 0xf000, 0x5000, 0x8000 ; backup BIOS to 0x5000 |
setds 0xB800 ; put DS back to this segment |
; |
; re-enable BIOS shadowing but keep write protect disabled |
; |
wd76_unlock |
and bx, 0xEFFF ; |
outpw 0x6072, bx ; mask out write protect but turn shadowing on |
wd76_lock |
; |
; re-shadow the BIOS |
; |
movedataw 0x4000, 0xe000, 0x8000 ; restore VGA BIOS from 0x4000 |
movedataw 0x5000, 0xf000, 0x8000 ; restore BIOS from 0x5000 |
setds 0xB800 ; set DS once again back to this segment |
; |
; re-enable BIOS shadow write protect |
; |
setborder 0x0A ; bright green |
wd76_unlock |
inpw 0x6072 ; get current value of RAM shadow & WP register |
or ax, 0x1000 ; |
mov bx, ax ; |
outpw 0x6072, bx ; turn write protect back on |
wd76_lock |
; |
; set warm boot flag |
; |
setborder 0x0B ; bright cyan |
setes 0x40 ; set ES to BIOS data area |
mov ax, 0x72 ; |
mov di, ax ; set DI to warm boot flag field of BDA |
mov word ptr es:[di], 0x1234 ; set warm boot flag |
; |
; reset via 8042 |
; https://wiki.osdev.org/Reboot |
; |
setborder 0x0D ; bright magenta |
empty_kbd_buffer: |
inp 0x64 ; read 8042 status |
mov bl, al ; we write al with outp |
test bl, 0x01 ; check for keyboard data |
jz short check_kbd_user_data ; no keyboard data |
inp 0x60 ; there was keyboard data, read port |
check_kbd_user_data: |
test bl, 0x02 ; check for user data |
jz short reset ; no more user data, reset this fucker |
jmp short empty_kbd_buffer ; another loop |
reset: |
setborder 0x0F ; bright white |
outp 0x64, 0xFE |
end_setsize_code: |
hlt ; you shouldn't get here |
setsize_ endp |
end |
Seems like reshadowing the BIOS is required but backing up and restoring the IVT and BDA are not