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Created October 8, 2012 17:24
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PHP Pagination
// global configuration,
$page_size = 5; // how many items per page
$page_start = 1; // the starting page
// how many numbers will be shown before and after current, including current
$page_range_near = 3;
// The number of items to paginate through, most likely the result of
// a "SELECT COUNT(*)" query.
$item_count = 1000;
// Divide the number of items by the page size and round up to the nearest
// integer.
$num_pages = ceil($item_count / $page_size);
$current_page = 25; // what page you're on right now
// grab the current page if specified in the URL
$current_page = (int) $_GET['page'];
function pagination($start, $num_pages, $current, $near = 3){
// True if the for loop is within a range of hidden numbers, represented
// by an ellipsis.
$hidden_range = false;
// $out: output string. Would probably be better served by an array
// that you push your output into, then join and return at the
// end, but at this point that's premature optimization
$out = "<ul class=\"pagination\">";
for($pg = $start; $pg <= $num_pages; $pg++){
// Always show the number for the first page.
$pg == $start
// Always show the number for the last page.
$pg == $num_pages
// Show the number for the current page.
$pg == $current
// Show the number if it's within $near of current page
$pg > $current - $near
$pg < $current + $near
// Output page number
if($pg == $current){
$out.="<li><a href='/pager.php?page=$pg'><strong>$pg</strong></a></li>";
$out.="<li><a href='/pager.php?page=$pg'>$pg</a></li>";
$hidden_range = false;
$hidden_range = true;
$out.= "</ul>";
return $out;
<?php echo pagination($page_start, $num_pages, $current_page, $page_range_near); ?>
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