Fastpack - pack JavaScript fast & easy
This gist is a submission for a lightning talk on the ReactiveConf 2018.
- JavaScript bundling can be a lot faster
- There are proper tools to guarantee consistency
- Writing OCaml code is fun!
1602 modules / ~5.8Mb unzipped / MacBook Pro 13" 2015
Fastpack | Fastpack+Babel | Webpack 4.6.0 | Parcel 1.5.1 | |
initial build | 2.148s | 3.383s | 6.113s | 24.32s |
- persistent cache | 0.176s | 0.219s | N/A | 14.88s |
- watch mode | 0.074s | 0.171s | 0.612s | 0.354s |
Note on Parcel: very likely it is doing more than we need to, but we were unable to configure it.
- Brief intro on the world of bundlers
- Why Fastpack is special?
- How to install / configure / use it
- Short demo if time permits
My name is Oleksiy Golovko (@zindelzindel, github), one of the lead developers of the Fastpack. At work doing a lot of JavaScript & Python. Most of the fun comes from the functional world of the OCaml, Haskell & Reason though :)