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Created December 6, 2019 13:04
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let solve lines =
let graph = Hashtbl.create 5000 in
let cache = Hashtbl.create 5000 in
lines |> List.iter (fun s ->
match CCString.split_on_char ')' s with
| to_ :: from :: [] ->
begin match Hashtbl.find graph from with
| exception Not_found ->
Hashtbl.replace graph from to_;
| found ->
failwith @@ Printf.sprintf "Already exists from '%s' -> %s" from found
| _ -> assert false
let rec orbits from =
match Hashtbl.find cache from with
| exception Not_found -> begin
let count = 1 + orbits (Hashtbl.find graph from) in
Hashtbl.replace cache from count;
with Not_found -> 0
| count ->
let part1 = Hashtbl.fold (fun from _ sum -> sum + orbits from) graph 0 in
Printf.printf "part1 = %d\n" part1;
let rec path_to_root from =
match Hashtbl.find graph from with
| exception Not_found -> []
| to_ -> from :: path_to_root to_
let rec shared_path_len p1 p2 =
match p1, p2 with
| h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2 ->
if h1 = h2 then shared_path_len t1 t2 else List.(length p1 + length p2)
| [], [] -> 0
| _ -> assert false
let p_san = "SAN" |> Hashtbl.find graph |> path_to_root |> List.rev in
let p_you = "YOU" |> Hashtbl.find graph |> path_to_root |> List.rev in
let part2 = shared_path_len p_san p_you in
Printf.printf "part2 = %d\n" part2;
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