A working demo of the pop-up can be found here.
I wanted a modal pop-up for images on my new Hugo site, and couldn't find one that worked with the styling that I do to the image path name.
I'm new to Hugo, but I feel that the solution is simple and effective. The close button has been optimzed for accessibility as it is named close
, but
displays only ×
The render-image.html
file goes into layouts > _default > _markdown > render-image.html
à la Hugo markup configuration.
is a partial that should be placed before the closing body tag of baseof.html
or any page that you would like an
image modal.
can be itegrated into the custom css file or used standalone and put into the custom css array.
Standard markdown image format should be used: 
Hashtags for css styling can also be used with image file names: 
. When the image is clicked,
the hash and everything to the right of the hash will be removed so the css styling doen't affect the image pop-up.
In use, click the image to po-up the modal, and click the x or the popped-up image to close the modal. That's it!
how to use in .adoc file ?