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Forked from aikchun/imap-gmail
Created March 4, 2022 17:21
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IMAP PHP gmail attachment extractor
* Gmail attachment extractor.
* Downloads attachments from Gmail and saves it to a file.
* Uses PHP IMAP extension, so make sure it is enabled in your php.ini,
* extension=php_imap.dll
* Credits: Sameer Borate email: metapix[at]
/* connect to gmail with your credentials */
$hostname = '{}INBOX';
$username = 'YOUR_GMAIL_USERNAME'; # e.g [email protected]
$password = 'YOUR_GMAIL_PASSWORD';
/* try to connect */
$inbox = imap_open($hostname,$username,$password) or die('Cannot connect to Gmail: ' . imap_last_error());
/* get all new emails. If set to 'ALL' instead
* of 'NEW' retrieves all the emails, but can be
* resource intensive, so the following variable,
* $max_emails, puts the limit on the number of emails downloaded.
$emails = imap_search($inbox,'ALL');
/* useful only if the above search is set to 'ALL' */
$max_emails = 16;
/* if any emails found, iterate through each email */
if($emails) {
$count = 1;
/* put the newest emails on top */
/* for every email... */
foreach($emails as $email_number)
/* get information specific to this email */
$overview = imap_fetch_overview($inbox,$email_number,0);
/* get mail message */
$message = imap_fetchbody($inbox,$email_number,2);
/* get mail structure */
$structure = imap_fetchstructure($inbox, $email_number);
$attachments = array();
/* if any attachments found... */
if(isset($structure->parts) && count($structure->parts))
for($i = 0; $i < count($structure->parts); $i++)
$attachments[$i] = array(
'is_attachment' => false,
'filename' => '',
'name' => '',
'attachment' => ''
foreach($structure->parts[$i]->dparameters as $object)
if(strtolower($object->attribute) == 'filename')
$attachments[$i]['is_attachment'] = true;
$attachments[$i]['filename'] = $object->value;
foreach($structure->parts[$i]->parameters as $object)
if(strtolower($object->attribute) == 'name')
$attachments[$i]['is_attachment'] = true;
$attachments[$i]['name'] = $object->value;
$attachments[$i]['attachment'] = imap_fetchbody($inbox, $email_number, $i+1);
/* 4 = QUOTED-PRINTABLE encoding */
if($structure->parts[$i]->encoding == 3)
$attachments[$i]['attachment'] = base64_decode($attachments[$i]['attachment']);
/* 3 = BASE64 encoding */
elseif($structure->parts[$i]->encoding == 4)
$attachments[$i]['attachment'] = quoted_printable_decode($attachments[$i]['attachment']);
/* iterate through each attachment and save it */
foreach($attachments as $attachment)
if($attachment['is_attachment'] == 1)
$filename = $attachment['name'];
if(empty($filename)) $filename = $attachment['filename'];
if(empty($filename)) $filename = time() . ".dat";
/* prefix the email number to the filename in case two emails
* have the attachment with the same file name.
$fp = fopen($email_number . "-" . $filename, "w+");
fwrite($fp, $attachment['attachment']);
if($count++ >= $max_emails) break;
/* close the connection */
echo "Done";
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