Solarized themes (dark and light) for roxterm.
Copy solatarized-dark and/or solatarized-light into
This repo does not have a separate issue tracking system. Please report issue to solatarized main repo. (You may mention me '@weakish' when reporting an issue.)
Please don't use the comment form of this gist for issues/bugs/suggests and pull requests. (Using it for other general feedback is fine, though.)
For ease of updating and to avoid manual typos, I wrote a srcipt (gen-theme.rc) to generate the dark theme file from upstream (main solarized repo) automatically. Then I copied the dark theme file and edited it manually to produce the light theme file. (Since there are only few differences, I don't bother to alter my script to generate both themes. Improvenments is always welcome, though.)
I preferred that you fork/clone this repo and send me a pull request (opening up an issue and mention me '@weakish').
Alternatively, you can post your patch in the issue system directly.
- Solarized Homepage:
- Solarized main repository:
- repo of this theme itself: