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module Test
module Unit
TestCase = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup
class Test::Unit::TestCase
def self.inherited(host)
def host.method_added(name)
if name.to_s =~ /^test_/
specify name do
send name
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.expect_with :stdlib
# With the above hax + standard RSpec configuration options, we now
# have test/unit syntax.
class TestFive < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_it_equals_five
assert_equal 5,5
# Now that syntax is out of the way, here are some things you get from RSpec
# that you don't get from Test/Unit
# Readable output
# $ rspec example_spec.rb -fd
# Five
# test_it_equals_five
# Finished in 0.0006 seconds
# 1 example, 0 failures
# Pending examples
# class TestFive < Test::Unit::TestCase
# def test_it_equals_five
# pending
# assert_equal 5,5
# end
# end
# $ rspec example_spec.rb -fd
# Five
# test_it_equals_five (PENDING: No reason given)
# Pending:
# Five test_it_equals_five
# # No reason given
# # ./example_spec.rb:12
# Finished in 0.00052 seconds
# 1 example, 0 failures, 1 pending
# Pending examples that tell you when they don't need to be pending any longer
# because the block content passes (AFAIK, Rails' implementation of pending
# doesn't support this):
# class TestFive < Test::Unit::TestCase
# def test_it_equals_five
# pending do
# assert_equal 5,5
# end
# end
# end
# $ rspec example_spec.rb -cfd
# Five
# test_it_equals_five (FAILED - 1)
# Failures:
# 1) Five test_it_equals_five FIXED
# Expected pending 'No reason given' to fail. No Error was raised.
# # ./example_spec.rb:32:in `test_it_equals_five'
# # ./example_spec.rb:13:in `send'
# # ./example_spec.rb:13:in `method_added'
# Finished in 0.00054 seconds
# 1 example, 1 failure
## Run one test method by its line number:
# $ rspec example_spec.rb:30
# Run filtered using {:line_number=>30}
# .
# Finished in 0.00043 seconds
# 1 example, 0 failures
# Profile mode: lists the top 10 slowest examples
# $ rspec example_spec.rb -p
# .
# Top 1 slowest examples:
# Five test_it_equals_five
# 0.00016 seconds ./example_spec.rb:12
# Finished in 0.00038 seconds
# 1 example, 0 failures
# And much, much more. And all of this is without even using any of RSpec's syntax.
# If you add this bit of configuration:
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.alias_example_to :test
# Now you can use strings for test names, just like Rails does! But, what
# neither Test/Unit nor Rails t/u extensions let you do is add metadata to the
# examples:
class TestTaggingExamples < Test::Unit::TestCase
test "example that runs fast", :fast => true do
# ...
test "example that runs slow", :slow => true do
# ...
# Now you can run the fast examples like this:
# $ be rspec example_spec.rb --tag fast --format doc
# Run filtered using {:fast=>true}
# TaggingExamples
# example that runs fast
# Finished in 0.00037 seconds
# 1 example, 0 failures
# ... and you can run the slow examples like this:
# $ rspec example_spec.rb --tag slow --format doc
# Run filtered using {:slow=>true}
# TaggingExamples
# example that runs slow
# Finished in 0.0004 seconds
# 1 example, 0 failures
# The tag names are arbitrary and you can use them to organize examples any way
# you like, and run subsets of them at will.
# The above is just the tip of the iceberg, but hopefully helps to show that
# there is more to RSpec than its syntax.
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