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$ diff ddclient-ubnt.bak ddclient-ubnt
< my $headers = "X-Auth-Email: $config{$key}{'login'}\n";
< $headers .= "X-Auth-Key: $config{$key}{'password'}\n";
> my $headers = "Authorization: Bearer $config{$key}{'password'}\n";
curl -Ss | egrep -o '/swimsuit/model/.+?/2016/photos' | parallel curl -Ss{} | egrep '<img src=("[^"]+").+?class="image (?:Landscape|Portrait)"\s+/>' | egrep -o 'http://.+?\.jpg' | parallel wget {}
curl | perl -wnE 'say for /assets\\\/media\\\/gallery\\\/(?:\w+\\\/|)[\w\-]+\\\/op\d+-\d+-raw1200\.jpg/g' | sed 's/\\\//\//g' | sort | uniq | xargs -I {} wget "{}"
zliuva / hello.s
Created July 21, 2011 15:48
A simple Hello World for ARM on iOS
.globl start
mov r2, #14
adr r1, hello_str
mov r0, #1
mov r12, #4
swi 0x80
zliuva / gist:1084476
Last active January 1, 2025 10:02
A minimal Mach-o x64 executable for OS X
; A minimal Mach-o x64 executable for OS X (also see below Mountain Lion version)
; $ nasm -f bin -o tiny_hello tiny_hello.s
; $ chmod +x tiny_hello
; $ ./tiny_hello
; Hello World!
; $
; c.f.
; ( the original tiny mach-o executable )
zliuva / cpuid2.s
Created July 9, 2011 07:40
calling libc functions on OS X x64
# cpuid2.s
# calling libc functions on OS X x64
# $ as -g -o cpuid2.o cpuid2.s
# $ ld -o cpuid2 -lc cpuid2.o
# $ ./cpuid2
# Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
# $
zliuva / cpuid.s
Created July 8, 2011 14:56
An x86_64 OS X port of the cpuid example found in Ch. 4 of Professional Assembly
# cpuid.s
# An x86_64 OS X port of the cpuid example found in Ch. 4 of Professional Assembly Language
# $ as -o cpuid.o cpuid.s
# $ ld -o cpuid cpuid.o
# $ ./cpuid
# GenuineIntel
# $
for i in {1..48}; do wget `curl$i.html | grep '<div id="cnnImage">' | sed 's/.*"\(.*\.jpg\)".*/\1/'`; done;
zliuva / fanfou.js
Created December 24, 2010 06:17
A node.js command line client for
#!/usr/bin/env node
* fanfou.js
* A node.js Fanfou client
* © 2010
* Copyright 2010 All rights reserved.
curl -u <username>:<password> | grep '<text>' | sed 's/<text><\!\[CDATA\[//' | sed 's/\]\]><\/text>//' | sed 's/ //g'