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Last active November 27, 2019 14:11
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% palindrome problem
% palindrome("Madam I\'m Adam.") = true
palindrome(Xs) -> palin(nocaps(nopunct(Xs))).
nopunct([]) -> [];
nopunct([X | Xs]) ->
case lists:member(X, "., ;:\t\n'\"") of
true -> nopunct(Xs);
false -> [X | nopunct(Xs)]
nocaps([]) -> [];
nocaps([X | Xs]) -> [nocap(X) | nocaps(Xs)].
nocap(X) ->
case $A =< X andalso X =< $Z of
true -> X + 32;
false -> X
% literal palindrome
palin(Xs) -> Xs == reverse(Xs).
reverse(Xs) -> shunt(Xs, []).
shunt([], Ys) -> Ys;
shunt([X | Xs], Ys) -> shunt(Xs, [X | Ys]).
% server(Pid) ->
% end.
result(Pid) ->
{check, S} ->
case palindrome(S) of
true ->
Pid ! {result, "\"" ++ S ++ "\" is a palindrome"};
_false ->
Pid ! {result, "\"" ++ S ++ "\" is not a palindrome"};
_stop ->
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