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Last active February 20, 2025 09:28
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This gist provides a more flexible version of adb that exposes the functionality to select a device and then use that device's serial number in one or more adb commands. It expands on the initial implementation of the gist.

Companion blog post for usage is 🔗 here.

Companion posts for earlier versions of the script: Extending an Interactive ADB

source "$(dirname "$0")/"
# Grabs a serial number from all _available_ devices
# If there is only one device, grabs that serial number automatically
# If there are multiple devices, shows a chooser with the list of serial numbers
function getSerialNumber() {
# Sends an interactive ADB command
# Usage: Use the usual ADB command, replacing `adb` with `adbi`
function adbi() {
getSerialNumber && adb -s "$serial_number" "$@"
# Display modes
alias darkMode='adbi shell cmd uimode night yes > /dev/null'
alias lightMode='adbi shell cmd uimode night no > /dev/null'
# Deep links
function deeplink() {
adbi shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d \""$1"\"
# Screen orientation
function rotatePortrait() {
adb -s "$serial_number" shell settings put system accelerometer_rotation 0
adb -s "$serial_number" shell settings put system user_rotation 0
function rotateLandscape() {
adb -s "$serial_number" shell settings put system accelerometer_rotation 0
adb -s "$serial_number" shell settings put system user_rotation 3
function get_devices() {
# Get the type to find (defaults to "a")
# a=all, d=devices, e=emulators
all_devices=$(command adb devices -l)
# Drop the title
all_devices=${all_devices#"List of devices attached"}
# Drop any unauthorised devices (i.e. USB debugging disabled or authorisations revoked)
valid_devices=$(echo "$all_devices" | grep -v "unauthorized" | grep -oE ".*?model:\S*")
# Filter based on input
if [[ $type_to_find == "e" ]]; then
valid_devices=$(echo "$valid_devices" | grep -oE "^emulator.*$")
elif [[ $type_to_find == "d" ]]; then
valid_devices=$(echo "$valid_devices" | grep -v "^emulator.*$")
# Find how many valid devices we have
num_matches=$(echo "$valid_devices" | wc -l)
# If there are multiple, ask for which device to grab
if [[ $num_matches -gt 1 ]]; then
# Otherwise just grab the serial number
serial_number=$(echo "$valid_devices" | awk '{printf $1}')
echo "$serial_number"
function get_from_multiple() {
# Display device serial numbers
find_matches=$(echo "$valid_devices" | awk 'match($0, /model:/) {print NR " - " $1 " (" substr($0, RSTART+6) ")"}')
printf >&2 "Multiple devices found:\n%s\n" "$find_matches"
# Present chooser
echo >&2 -n "Select device: "
read -r selected_device
# Get the chosen serial number
serial_number=$(echo "$find_matches" | grep -E "${selected_device} - (.*)" | awk '{print $3}')
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