Tested on macOS 13.3.1.
In Disk Utility, create new APFS volume under internal SSD's Container disk1.
Unmount the volume.
⌘I to open the Info panel of the volume, copy the Volume UUID. Alternatively, the UUID can be copied from the output of
diskutil info disk1s7
, wheredisk1s7
should be replaced with the corresponding device node. -
sudo vifs
to edit/etc/fstab
, adding the following entry:UUID=<VolumeUUID> /path/to/mount/point apfs rw,nobrowse
option ensures the volume doesn't show up in various places in the GUI, e.g. as a mounted disk on the desktop. Seeman 8 mount
. -
Mount the volume in Disk Utility. Do not use
sudo mount -a
, it doesn't work. -
You can try to add the path to Time Machine's backup exclusion list, but it may not work properly if you have excluded the path already (not as a volume). The following should always work:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.TimeMachine.plist ExcludedVolumeUUIDs -array-add <VolumeUUID>
You can later verify the volume is excluded by looking at the output of
defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.TimeMachine.plist
To check the volume indeed isn't accumulating snapshots, turn on View -> Show APFS Snapshots in Disk Utility and check the volume. Alternatively, run
diskutil ap listSnapshots disk1s7
Again, replace
with the appropriate device node.