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Pythonista learning new technologies

Zhiming Wang zmwangx

Pythonista learning new technologies
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zmwangx / # macOS release checksums
Last active February 8, 2020 02:33
macOS / OS X installer checksums. When I don't have a particular image, I filled as many fields as possible with data from and/or A list of build numbers can be found in the Apple Support article http…
We couldn’t find that file to show.
lelandbatey /
Last active February 24, 2025 01:16
Whiteboard Picture Cleaner - Shell one-liner/script to clean up and beautify photos of whiteboards!


This simple script will take a picture of a whiteboard and use parts of the ImageMagick library with sane defaults to clean it up tremendously.

The script is here:

convert "$1" -morphology Convolve DoG:15,100,0 -negate -normalize -blur 0x1 -channel RBG -level 60%,91%,0.1 "$2"
