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Created September 16, 2015 04:48
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Ross Larson - GBAPS code sample - SQL
-- Question 1 - List Names, Birthdates. Sort by last name, first name
Select Distinct firstName, lastName, birthDate
From Employee
Order By lastName, firstName;
firstName lastName birthDate
Christine Morgan 1974-05-04 00:00:00
Jill Page 1980-10-21 00:00:00
Bill Simons 1968-02-14 00:00:00
Joe Smith 1960-01-16 00:00:00
Kyle Williams 1975-06-20 00:00:00
-- Question 2 - Count Employees with listed genders
Select COUNT(employeeID)
From Employee
Where gender IS NOT NULL;
-- Result is 5
--Question 3 - List Dept. Name and First/Last Name of dept. chair.
Select d.departmentName, e.FirstName, e.lastName
From Department d
Left Join Employee e
On d.departmentChairEmployeeID = e.employeeID;
departmentName FirstName lastName
Science Joe Smith
Math Bill Simons
--Question 4 - List Name of each active employee and their current department(s)
Select e.firstName, e.lastName, d.departmentName
From Employee e
Left Join EmployeeDepartment ed
On e.employeeID = ed.employeeID
Left Join Department d
On ed.departmentID = d.departmentID
Where ed.endDate IS NULL
And d.departmentID IS NOT NULL;
firstName lastName departmentName
Joe Smith Science
Bill Simons Math
Jill Page Science
--Question 5 - List all employees who started in 2001
Select Distinct e.firstName, e.lastName
From Employee e
Left Join EmployeeDepartment ed
On e.employeeID = ed.employeeID
Where ed.startDate >= '01-01-2001'
And ed.startDate <= '12-31-2001';
firstName lastName
Jill Page
Joe Smith
Kyle Williams
--Question 6 - Find duplicate employees (same first/last name, birthday and gender)
Select firstName, lastName, birthDate, gender, count(*)
From Employee
Group By firstName, lastName, birthDate, gender
Having count(*) > 1
firstName lastName birthDate gender (No column name)
Jill Page 1980-10-21 00:00:00 F 2
--Question 7 - List Employee and either current department or NONE if they are not an active member of a department.
Select e.firstName,
ISNULL(d.departmentName, 'None') As CurrentDepartment
From Employee e
Left Join EmployeeDepartment ed
On e.employeeID = ed.employeeID
Left Join Department d
On ed.departmentID = d.departmentID
Where endDate IS NULL;
firstName lastName CurrentDepartment
Joe Smith Science
Jill Page Science
Christine Morgan None
Bill Simons Math
Jill Page None
-- Question 8 - Add Christine Morgran to Math dept. effective 05-01-2015.
Insert Into EmployeeDepartment
Values (
(Select employeeID From Employee Where firstName = 'Christine' And lastName = 'Morgan'),
(Select departmentID From Department Where departmentName = 'Math'),
/*(1 row(s) affected)*/
--Question 9 - End Bill Simon's tenure in Math dept. effective 04-30-2015
Update EmployeeDepartment ed
Set ed.EndDate = '2015-05-01'
Where employeeID = (Select e.employeeID From Employee e Where e.firstName = 'Bill' And e.lastName = 'Simons')
And departmentID = (Select d.departmentID From Department d Where d.departmentName = 'Math');
/* (1 row(s) affected) */
--Question 10 - Someone asks you to make a stored procedure to update employee info. What are your questions?
1. What information do you need to change?
2. Do you need any default information inserted if none is available?
3. How do we identify the employee to modify?
4. Should updating their info affect being a member of or a chair of a department?
5. Why does it have to be a stored procedure?
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