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cannot read property 'status' of undefined

Zois Pagoulatos zoispag

cannot read property 'status' of undefined
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al45tair / gist:73be245ab87a66a885742b98be91ac14
Last active April 10, 2024 09:00
Files installed by Zoom for mac OS

The Zoom install package for macOS is mad. Rather than actually using the installer to install things, it does everything in the preinstall script. That's bonkers, and also means that the system won't have a list of the files it installed, because it's doing it using shell script.

The script appears to install two items, namely:

~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ZoomUsPlugIn.plugin

If the user opening the package isn't an administrator, it looks like it will install the app in the user's home folder instead. If they are an administrator, Zoom will delete the ZoomUsPlugIn.plugin from /Library if it's there, but it still installs to ~/Library.

It also adds Zoom to your Dock automatically, without asking.

jonsugar / show-tailwind-breakpoint.html
Last active February 24, 2025 11:11
Show current tailwind breakpoint.
<div class="flex items-center m-2 fixed bottom-0 right-0 border border-gray-400 rounded p-2 bg-gray-300 text-pink-600 text-sm">
<svg class="h-6 w-auto inline" viewBox="0 0 80 64" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path fill="url(#paint0_linear)" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M32 16C24.8 16 20.3 19.6 18.5 26.8C21.2 23.2 24.35 21.85 27.95 22.75C30.004 23.2635 31.4721 24.7536 33.0971 26.4031C35.7443 29.0901 38.8081 32.2 45.5 32.2C52.7 32.2 57.2 28.6 59 21.4C56.3 25 53.15 26.35 49.55 25.45C47.496 24.9365 46.0279 23.4464 44.4029 21.7969C41.7557 19.1099 38.6919 16 32 16ZM18.5 32.2C11.3 32.2 6.8 35.8 5 43C7.7 39.4 10.85 38.05 14.45 38.95C16.504 39.4635 17.9721 40.9536 19.5971 42.6031C22.2443 45.2901 25.3081 48.4 32 48.4C39.2 48.4 43.7 44.8 45.5 37.6C42.8 41.2 39.65 42.55 36.05 41.65C33.996 41.1365 32.5279 39.6464 30.9029 37.9969C28.2557 35.3099 25.1919 32.2 18.5 32.2Z"></path>
<linearGradient id="paint0_linear" x1="3.5" y1="16" x2="59" y2="48" gradien
andyrbell /
Last active February 14, 2025 11:03
Make a pdf look scanned using ImageMagick
# use ImageMagick convert
# the order is important. the density argument applies to input.pdf and resize and rotate to output.pdf
convert -density 90 input.pdf -rotate 0.5 -attenuate 0.2 +noise Multiplicative -colorspace Gray output.pdf
jesperronn /
Last active November 15, 2024 20:52 — forked from aembleton/
Convert a Word Document into MD

Converting a Word Document to Markdown in One Move

The Problem

A lot of important government documents are created and saved in Microsoft Word (*.docx). But Microsoft Word is a proprietary format, and it's not really useful for presenting documents on the web. So, I wanted to find a way to convert a .docx file into markdown.

Installing Pandoc

On a mac you can use homebrew by running the command brew install pandoc.

The Solution