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Created November 6, 2011 05:01
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# /js/main.js
(function() {
baseUrl: "/js/",
paths: {
'jquery': 'libs/jquery',
'underscore': 'libs/underscore',
'backbone': 'libs/backbone',
'order': 'rjs_plugins/order'
require(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'utils'], function($, _, Backbone, Utils) {
console.log('jQuery Version: ' + $.fn.jquery);
console.log('Underscore Version: ' + _.VERSION);
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# /js/utils.js
(function() {
define(["jquery"], function($) {
(function(b) {
var c;
return c = function() {
var a, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref = "assert,clear,count,debug,dir,dirxml,error,exception,firebug,group,groupCollapsed,groupEnd,info,log,memoryProfile,memoryProfileEnd,profile,profileEnd,table,time,timeEnd,timeStamp,trace,warn".split(",");
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
a = _ref[_i];
_results.push(b[a] = b[a] || c);
return _results;
})((function() {
try {
return window.console;
} catch (err) {
return window.console = {};
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zonak commented Nov 6, 2011 via email

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zonak commented Nov 6, 2011

Well I think I found the offending code.
Once I removed the code from utils.js:
the issue stopped happening. Tried adding something else in that module, everything worked fine after removing the mentioned section.
Will try to investigate further what exactly might be causing this.

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zonak commented Nov 6, 2011

Well I don't know if it helps in any way but the cause is the call to:
in the "try" block.

Still don't know why it is not happening on your example.

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