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Last active February 23, 2022 16:14
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surprises in Clojure land
;; some surprises found while learning Clojure
;; min is for numbers
(min #inst "2018" #inst "2019") ; Execution error (ClassCastException) at clojure-test.core/eval8469 (form-init524028722621051551.clj:2589) .
; java.util.Date cannot be cast to java.lang.Number
;; macros are not values
(apply or (list false true)) ; Syntax error compiling at (Untitled-1:2:1).
; Can't take value of a macro: #'clojure.core/or
;; index-of can return index less than from index
(clojure.string/index-of "abc" "d" 9) ; => nil
(clojure.string/index-of "abc" "" 9) ; => 3
;; evaluation order, sets and maps are evaluated in undefined order
#{(/ 1 0) 1 1} ; Syntax error reading source at (REPL:2:15).
; Duplicate key: 1
;; reader and side effects
(def a (atom 0))
(defn inca [] (swap! a inc))
#{(inca) (inca)} ; Syntax error reading source at (REPL:3:17).
; Duplicate key: (inca)
(def inca2 inca)
#{(inca) (inca2)} ; => #{1 2}
;; more reader side effects
(def a 1)
(def b 1)
#{a b} ; Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at user/eval21063 (REPL:-1).
; Duplicate key: 1
#{(rand) (rand)} ; Syntax error reading source at (REPL:48:17) .
;; non equal NaNs
(not (= ##NaN ##NaN)) ; => true
(not= ##NaN ##NaN) ; => false
;; read more here:
;; seqs and collections
(seq? []) ; => false
(sequential? []) ; => true
(sequential? {}) ; => false
(coll? {}) ; => true
(java.util.HashMap.) ; => {}
(coll? (java.util.HashMap.)) ; => false
;; insts are Dates
(type #inst "2018") ; => java.util.Date
;; sorted-maps
(instance? java.util.SortedMap (sorted-map)) ; => false
;; integers
(type 9223372036854775807) ; => java.lang.Long
(type 9223372036854775808) ; => clojure.lang.BigInt
(inc 9223372036854775807) ; throws java.lang.ArithmeticException
(inc' 9223372036854775807) ; => 9223372036854775808N
;; big numbers and infinity
(< 1e308M ##Inf) ; => true
(< 1e309M ##Inf) ; => false
(inc' ##Inf) ; => ##Inf
;; lists
(list? (map identity ())) ; => false
(list? ()) ; => true
;; big decimals
(/ 31M 360M)
;; Execution error (ArithmeticException) at java.math.BigDecimal/divide (
;; Non-terminating decimal expansion; no exact representable decimal result.
(binding [*math-context* java.math.MathContext/DECIMAL128]
(/ 31M 360M)) ; => 0.08611111111111111111111111111111111M
;; numbers and equality
(= 1 1M) ; => false
(== 1 1M) ; => true
;; repeat
(repeat 3/2 3) ; => (3)
(repeat 1.9999999999999999 1) ; => (1 1)
;; also
1.9999999999999999 ; => 2.0
;; from Joy of Clojure
(let [r (range 1e9)]
[(first r) (last r)]) ; => [0 999999999]
(let [r (range 1e9)]
[(last r) (first r)]) ; java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
;; case
(case :get (:get :head) 302 307) ; => 302
;; comparing characters
(= \А \A) ; => false
;; subtracting
('- 1000 1001) ; => 1001
(-' 1000 1001) ; => -1
;; comparing NaN's
(= ##NaN ##NaN) ; => false
(== ##NaN ##NaN) ; => false
(compare 0.0 ##NaN) ; => 0
(compare ##NaN ##NaN) ; => 0
(compare ##NaN 99N) ; => 0
;; comparing maps
(compare {} {}) ; => 0
(compare {:x 5} {:x 5}) ; Execution error (ClassCastException)
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