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Last active January 13, 2025 17:40
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A simply script to delete all failed pods from Kubernetes
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep Evicted | awk '{print $2 " --namespace=" $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pod
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@rubenpetrosyan1 good, it's works

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mayconritzmann commented Mar 29, 2023

This simple loop could help:


for ns in $(kubectl get po -A --no-headers | grep -i crash | awk {'print $1'}); do
  delpods=$(kubectl get pods -n $ns |
    grep -i 'CrashLoopBackOff' |
    awk '{print $1 }')    
  for i in ${delpods[@]}; do
    kubectl delete pod $i --force=true --wait=false \
      --grace-period=0 -n $ns 

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BioQwer commented Jun 28, 2023

kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Failed --all-namespaces
kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Error --all-namespaces
kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Succeeded --all-namespaces

kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase!=Running --all-namespaces

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kubectl get po -A -o wide| grep -vE "Compl|Runn"|awk {'print $1,$2'}|grep -v NAMESPACE| sed "s,^,kubectl delete pod --force -n ,g" |bash

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kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Failed --all-namespaces
kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Error --all-namespaces
kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Succeeded --all-namespaces

kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase!=Running --all-namespaces

thank you so much - this is the cleanest by far

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The simplest solution possible would be like


kubectl delete pods -n $NAMESPACE --field-selector=status.phase!=Running

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