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Created June 6, 2009 00:42
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DBIx::Class::ResultSet::all(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db prepare_cached failed:
ambiguous column name: ruleset.phase_description [for Statement "
SELECT me.entity as entity, phase, as gid, ruleset.phase_description as pd
FROM Player_to_game me
JOIN Game game ON = me.gid
JOIN Ruleset ruleset ON = game.ruleset
LEFT JOIN Player_to_game player_to_game ON player_to_game.gid =
LEFT JOIN Player_to_game player_to_game_2 ON player_to_game_2.gid =
JOIN Ruleset ruleset ON = game.ruleset
LEFT JOIN Player_to_game player_to_game ON player_to_game.gid =
WHERE ( ( ( phase = ? AND status = ? ) AND = ? ) )"]
at /home/zach/projects/basilisk/script/../lib/basilisk/Schema/ line 72
Offending code:
sub games_to_move {
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->name;
my $relevant_p2g = $self->search_related('player_to_game',
select => ['entity as my_entity'],
my $games = $relevant_p2g->search_related ('game',
status => GAME_RUNNING,
phase => 'p2g.entity',
join => ['ruleset', 'player_to_game'],
select => ['me.entity as entity', 'phase', ' as gid', 'ruleset.phase_description as pd'],
as => ['entity', 'phase', 'gid', 'pd'],
package basilisk::Schema::Player;
__PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core/);
'id' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', is_auto_increment => 1 },
'name' => { data_type => 'TEXT'},
'pass' => { data_type => 'BLOB' }, #hashed
'current_rating' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', is_nullable => 1 },
__PACKAGE__->has_many(player_to_game => 'basilisk::Schema::Player_to_game', 'pid');
__PACKAGE__->many_to_many( games => 'player_to_game', 'game');
__PACKAGE__->has_many(proposed_games => 'basilisk::Schema::Game_proposal', 'proposer');
__PACKAGE__->might_have (rating => 'basilisk::Schema::Rating', {'' => 'self.current_rating'});
__PACKAGE__->has_many(all_ratings => 'basilisk::Schema::Rating', 'pid');
__PACKAGE__->has_many (comments => 'basilisk::Schema::Comment', 'sayeth');
__PACKAGE__->has_many (invites => 'basilisk::Schema::Invite', 'inviter');
package basilisk::Schema::Game;
__PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core/);
'id' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', is_auto_increment => 1 },
'ruleset' => { data_type => 'INTEGER'},
'status' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', default_value => GAME_RUNNING },
'result' => { data_type => 'TEXT', is_nullable => 1},
#'num_moves' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', default_value => 0 },
'initial_position' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', is_nullable => 1 },
#phase-- rule description is in ruleset
'phase' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', default_value => 0 },
#to sort by most recently active, this stores a time.
#'perturbation' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', default_value => 0 },
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to(ruleset => 'basilisk::Schema::Ruleset', 'ruleset');
__PACKAGE__->has_many(player_to_game => 'basilisk::Schema::Player_to_game', 'gid');
__PACKAGE__->many_to_many( players => 'player_to_game', 'player');
__PACKAGE__->has_many(moves => 'basilisk::Schema::Move', 'gid');
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to (initial_pos => 'basilisk::Schema::Position', 'initial_position');
__PACKAGE__->has_many(comments => 'basilisk::Schema::Comment', 'gid');
package basilisk::Schema::Player_to_game;
use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
__PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core/);
'pid' => { data_type => 'INTEGER'},
'gid' => { data_type => 'INTEGER'},
'entity' => { data_type => 'INTEGER'}, #typically either 0 or 1
#time remaining: store a time of a player's 'expiration', 0=nolimit
#TODO: implement
'expiration' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', default_value => 0},
__PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('gid', 'entity');
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to (player => 'basilisk::Schema::Player', 'pid');
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to (game => 'basilisk::Schema::Game', 'gid');
package basilisk::Schema::Ruleset;
__PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core/);
'id' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', is_auto_increment => 1 },
'h' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', default_value => '19'},
'w' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', default_value => '19'},
'handicap' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', default_value => '0'},
'initial_time' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', default_value => '0'},
'byo' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', default_value => '0'},
'byo_periods' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', default_value => '0'},
'rules_description' => { data_type => 'TEXT', is_nullable => 1 }, #just for humans to read
#for machines to read & shift phase: #like '0b 1w 2r'
'phase_description' => { data_type => 'TEXT', default_value => '0b 1w'},
#replacing extra_rules table:
'other_rules' => { data_type => 'TEXT', is_nullable => 1}, #json, {topo:torus},etc.
'komi' => { data_type => 'INTEGER', default_value => 0},
__PACKAGE__->has_many (positions => 'basilisk::Schema::Position', 'ruleset');
__PACKAGE__->has_many (games => 'basilisk::Schema::Game', 'ruleset');
__PACKAGE__->has_many (proposed_games => 'basilisk::Schema::Game_proposal', 'ruleset');
__PACKAGE__->has_many (extra_rules => 'basilisk::Schema::Extra_rule', 'ruleset');
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