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Tdarr is a . The setup/install docs are mostly alright as a guide to figure out how to install for Linux, but I found some specific quirks when installing on Debian that I wanted to document.

These instructions were used to install on Debian 11,, specifically in a vm hosted using kvm on proxmox.

Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux bullseye/sid
          Kernel: Linux 5.9.0-5-amd64
    Architecture: x86-64
zrsmithson /
Last active January 30, 2024 14:55
Installing latest cmake and git versions on Rhel/Centos, and setting it as the default commands

Installing the latest git/cmake versions on RHEL/Centos

This should work on other Fedora-based distributions and for other packages, but I have not done extensive testing


Using up-to-date versions of software on RHEL is a pain. I understand the eneterprise benefits, but configuring a development environment can be confusing, with most people using a combination of symlinks, adding folders to PATH, and enabling an scl_source

While this is still generally acceptable, there exists an alternative method (sorry).

The alternatives essentially creates a symlink, but it actually is a symbolic link to the alternatives directory, which in turn is a symbolic link to the actual program.

This allows for better package management and confines all sysadmin changes to the /etc directory, all while making switching back easier. It feels to me a lot like virtualenv in python

zrsmithson / mngw-w64_boost.MD
Last active February 7, 2025 06:32
Installing boost on Windows using MinGW-w64 (gcc 64-bit)

Installing boost on Windows using MinGW-w64 (gcc 64-bit)


Boost is easy when you are using headers or pre-compiled binaries for visual studio, but it can be a pain to compile from source on windows, especially when you want the 64-bit version of MinGW to use gcc/g++. This installation process should be thorough enough to simply copy and paste commands, but robust enough to install everything you need.

Note: if you need to install any of the libraries that need dependencies, see this great answer from stack overflow

Get files needed for install

Get the MinGW installer mingw-w64-install.exe from Sourceforge
Get the source from Sourceforge
__Note: This should work perfectly w