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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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  • Save zshbleaker/c37a18de0734f319e358 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zshbleaker/c37a18de0734f319e358 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#ifndef e//[o
#define e 0x1//
typedef struct{int d,b,o,P;char*q,*p;}f;int p,q,d,b,_=0//|
#include __FILE__//]>>>[->+>++<<]<[-<<+>>>++<]>>+MISAKA*IMOUTO
#undef e//[->[-<<+<+<+>>>>]<<<<<++[->>+>>>+<<<<<]>+>+++>+++[>]]b
#define e(c)/**/if((_!=__LINE__?(_=__LINE__):0)){c;}//[20002,+[-.+]
,O,i=0,Q=sizeof(f);static f*P;static FILE*t;static const char*o[]={//
"\n\40\"8oCan\40not\40open %s\n\0aaFbfeccdeaEbgecbbcda6bcedd#e(bbed$bbd",
">bad/bbda"};static int S(){return(o[p][q]);}static/**/int/**/Z=0 ;void/**/z(int//
l){if(/**/Z-l){Z=l;q++;if(p<b*5&&!S()){p+=b;q=0;}}}int main(int I, /**/char**l){//
d=sizeof(f*);if(1<(O=_)){b=((sizeof(o)/sizeof(char*))-1)/4;q=22; p= 0;while(p<b*5){
/*<*/if(Z-1){d=S()>96;i=S()-(d?96:32) ;q++;if(p<b*5&&!S()){p+=b; q= 0;}Z=1;}/*[[*/
while(i){_=o[0][S()-97];I=_-10?b:1; for( ;I--;)putchar(_ );if (! --i||d)z(~i );}
if(p==b*5&&O){p-=b;O--;}}return 0U; }if(! (P=( f*)calloc /*]*/ (Q ,I)))return 1;
{;}for(_=p=1;p<I;p++){e(q=1);while (q< p&& strcmp( l[p ] ,l[(q)]))++ q;
t=stdin;if(q<p){(void)memcpy/* " */ (&P [p],&P [q ] ,Q);continue ;}
if(strcmp(l[p],"-")){t=fopen(l [ p] ,"rb" ) ;if(!t ){{;} ;
printf(05+*o,l[p ]);return+1; {;} }}_=b= 1<<16 ;
*&O=5;do{if(!(P[p].q=realloc (P[p].q,(P[p].P += b)+1))){return 01;}O &=72 /
6/*][*/;P[p].o+=d=fread(P[p] .q +P[ p ]. o, 1,b,t) ;}//
while(d==b) ;P [p].q[ P[ p] .o ]= 012;d =0;
e(fclose(t ) );P [p] .p =P[ p] .q;if (O)
{for(;d<P[ p] .o ;d= q+ 1) {q= d;
while(q<P[ p].o&&P[ p].q[q]- 10 ){
q++;}b=q-d; _=P [p]. d ;
if(b>_){/*]b */
P[p].d=b;}{; }
#undef/*pqdz'.*/ e// ;
#define/*s8qdb]*/e/**/0 //
//<<.<<.----.>.<<.>++.++< .[>]
/*P[*/P[p].b++;continue;}}}t= stdout;
for (p=1;p<I;p++){/**/if(P[p].b>i ){i=P[p].b;}}
if (O){for(p=0;p<i;p++){q=0;/*[*/while(I >++q){_=P[q].p-P[q ].q;
b= 0;if(_<P[q ].o){while(012-*P[q].p) {putchar(*(P[q].p++));b++;}P[q]. p++;
} ;while (P[ q].d>b++)putchar(040);} putchar(10);}return 0;}p =1;
for(; p<I ;p++)fwrite(P[p] .q,P[ p].o,1,t);return 0 ;}//
#/*] ]<. [-]<[-]<[- ]<[ -]< [- ]<;*/elif e //b
|(1 << ( __LINE__ /* >> `*//45)) | 01U
# /* */ endif //
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