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Created February 23, 2017 10:49
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Scala solution (as a worksheet) to the string decoding problem:
def splitWhile[A](it: Seq[A])(pred: A => Boolean): (Seq[A], Seq[A]) = {
(it.takeWhile(pred), it.dropWhile(pred))
def splitParenContentsAndRest(s: Seq[Char]): (Seq[Char], Seq[Char]) = {
assert(s.head == '[')
val parenCounts = s.scanLeft(0) {
case (parenCount, '[') => parenCount + 1
case (parenCount, ']') => parenCount - 1
case (parenCount, _) => parenCount
val parenEnd = parenCounts.tail.indexOf(0)
val (paren, rest) = s.splitAt(parenEnd + 1)
val unpackedParen = paren.slice(1, paren.length - 1)
(unpackedParen, rest)
def decode(s: Seq[Char]): String = {
if (s.isEmpty) {
} else {
val (digits, paren) = splitWhile(s)(_.isDigit)
if (digits.nonEmpty) {
val (parenContents, rest) = splitParenContentsAndRest(paren)
val decodedParen = decode(parenContents)
val count = digits.mkString("").toInt
val decodedRepeated = List.fill(count)(decodedParen)
decodedRepeated.mkString("") + decode(rest)
} else {
val (letters, rest) = splitWhile(s)(_.isLetter)
if (letters.nonEmpty) {
letters.mkString("") + decode(rest)
} else {
sys.error("Unexpected format: " + s)
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