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Forked from anonymous/FdaMedDeviceRecalls
Created January 31, 2012 14:24
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A few notes:
* Lines starting with "#" signs are standard Python code comments
* Multi-line comments can be wrapped in triple-quotes (""")
from itertools import islice, product
import calendar
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import requests
# Base URL for POST request?
URL = ''
All the below "input" variables represent the form field's name-value pairs, which you must build
dynamically and pass as input to the POST request.
To do so, you must first gather the name-value pairs into a dictionary.
An example of this technique can be found in the below tutorial:
###Below are just elements - and excuse the substitute SQL. No idea how to proceed:
# FIND input name = 'postdatefrom'
# FIND input name = 'postdateto'
# (NEED to enter 2-month increments beginning Nov. 2002 BUT months range 28-31 days, so…?)
# See below for code related to dynamically calculating days in each month
# To figure out the start and end dates for two-month periods, you can dynamically generate combinations of
# years and months for your target years, and then loop through each of them
# Below code creates a list of month-pairs: [(1,2), (3,4), ...]
month_pairs = zip(islice(range(1,13), 0, 13, 2), islice(range(1,13), 1, 13, 2))
# Below code produces a list containing our target combinations of year and month_pair: [(2002, (1, 2)), [(2002, (3, 4)),....[(2012, (11, 12))]
target_date_ranges = product(range(2002,2013), month_pairs)
# We can now loop through the above list of target date ranges and dynamically construct POST requests for
# each two-month period.
today =
for year, months in target_date_ranges:
# You should check if the target year and month are equal to the current year and month.
# This will prevent you from requesting data for months far into in the future (which
# may or may not cause an error, depending on how the FDA set up their search functionality).
start_month, end_month = months
# Calculate number of days in month for a given year using "calendar" module
# The second value returned by "calendar.monthrange" is the number of days, so we use indexing to pull it out
last_day_of_end_month = calendar.monthrange(year,end_month)[1]
# If the end date is less than or equal to the current year and month,
# then submit the request
if (year, end_month) <= (today.year, today.month):
# You'll need to format the dates to match the form expected by the FDA script.
# To format the dates, you will need to create a datetime object and then format it.
# See the datetime documenatation, especially the section on format operators:
# Below creates datetime objects. I'll leave it as an exercise for you to figure out how to reformat them to strings
statedate = datetime.datetime(year, start_month, 1)
endate = datetime.datetime(year, end_month, last_day_of_end_month)
# Create a dictionary to pass to your POST request; it's currently empty, so you need to populate it with
# the start and end dates (after you've converted them to strings) and any other relevant form values.
post_dict = {}
# You should use the requests library to do this. Again, there is sample code for this in our webscraping tutorials:
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
# PULL OUT APPROPRIATE LINKS using soup.findAll or some other BeautifulSoup method
# LOOP THROUGH LINKS AND EXTRACT DATA FROM TARGET PAGES (once again, you'll use requests to fetch the page
# and BeautifulSoup to parse it and extract the target data points)
# FIIND name = 'pagenum'
#ENTER '500'
# FIND name = 'search'
# PUSH SEARCH # Did you mean POST here?
###ON next page:
links = soup.find(href WHERE color = 23238e)
for link in links[1:]:
data = link.findAll('href')
link = data[0].text
print '\t'.join([link])
### NOW, when all links obtained, PUSH each link. Within Each link:
FIND table WHERE cellpadding='2' AND cellspacing='14'
Input = soup.find('th')
Response = soup.find('td')
th = 'Date Posted' ### Do I add underscore when I define those with multiple words?
th = 'RecallNumber'
th = 'Product'
th = 'Code Information'
th = 'recalling firm/' <br> 'Manufacturer'
th = 'Consumer Instructions'
th = 'For Additional Information Contact'
th = 'reason for' <br> 'Recall'
th = 'Action'
th = 'Quantity in Commerce'
th = 'Distribution'
print '\t'.join([……..])
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