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Created March 7, 2017 13:49
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Project Intro

This is a time based Todo App for Mobile Devices and Desktop, Which helps people set tasks not on daily basis but on a weekly basis.A long term app assistant for long tasks that takes time.Users will set an amount of hours they are going to spend on a task (ex: 20 hours) which will help them focus more on the task and complete the task in short time making them more productive.


Since a lot of people have long tasks and long term goals to accomplish and alot of people rely on apps for reminding them and setting deadlines to complete them on time.They are lazy to catch up on it and takes long time to finish the task than it actually requires.

Unique Offering

It will be reverse time engineered app. Users will give specific amount of time(hours) that they are going to spend in a week on a task to complete.

Different from others

As per my research. There is no offering of such app on any app store, which gives a strict timeline to accomplish tasks on time.

Giving it our time

With this app we target two markets. Firstly it will give us a head start in the mobile market with such unique offering and helps us in pitching clients in future for consulting.Secondly we will be able to build user base helping us doing marketing of other apps/products that we will be building in the future.


We will start with the Adsense and later when the becomes successful we will give analytics in pro version of the app.

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