#!/bin/zsh |
# Define Colors for Styling |
GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) |
YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3) |
RED=$(tput setaf 1) |
BOLD=$(tput bold) |
RESET=$(tput sgr0) |
# Eye-catching box with messages |
echo "${YELLOW}###############################################${RESET}" |
echo "# #" |
echo "# ${GREEN}Developed by Md. Zubaer Ahammed${RESET} #" |
echo "# Website: ${GREEN}https://zubaer.com${RESET} #" |
echo "# Email: ${GREEN}[email protected]${RESET} #" |
echo "# #" |
echo "${YELLOW}###############################################${RESET}" |
# Get the current branch name |
current_branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD) |
# Get the latest tag name or set a default message if no tags exist |
latest_tag=$(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1) 2>/dev/null) |
# Function to properly increment the last numeric part of a version (Zsh-compatible) |
increment_tag() { |
local last_tag="$1" |
local prefix="" |
# Extract prefix (e.g., 'v' in 'v1.3.0') if present |
if [[ "$last_tag" =~ ^[^0-9]+ ]]; then |
prefix=$(echo "$last_tag" | grep -o '^[^0-9]*') |
last_tag=$(echo "$last_tag" | sed "s/^$prefix//") |
fi |
# Ensure valid version format |
if [[ "$last_tag" =~ ^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*$ ]]; then |
IFS='.' read -r -A version_parts <<< "$last_tag" # Zsh uses -A for arrays |
((version_parts[-1]++)) |
echo "$prefix${version_parts[*]}" | sed 's/ /./g' |
else |
echo "${prefix}1.0.0" # Fallback to default version |
fi |
} |
# Determine suggested tag |
if [[ -z "$latest_tag" ]]; then |
suggested_tag="v1.0.0" |
tag_hint="example: v1.0.0" |
else |
suggested_tag=$(increment_tag "$latest_tag") |
tag_hint="latest: $latest_tag" |
fi |
# Display current branch and latest tag information |
echo "" |
echo "${YELLOW}Current Branch:${RESET} ${GREEN}$current_branch${RESET}" |
echo "${YELLOW}Current/Latest Tag:${RESET} ${GREEN}$latest_tag${RESET}" |
echo "" |
# 🚨 Check for uncommitted changes |
if [[ -n $(git status --porcelain) ]]; then |
echo "${RED}${BOLD}WARNING: You have uncommitted changes!${RESET}" |
echo "${RED}Please commit & push or stash your changes before creating a tag.${RESET}" |
exit 1 |
fi |
# Prompt for the branch name with default |
read "branch_name?Enter the branch name (default: master): " |
branch_name=${branch_name:-master} |
# PR confirmation flow |
echo "${BOLD}${YELLOW}Have you created and merged a pull request to the '${GREEN}$branch_name${YELLOW}' branch from your working branch (current branch is: '${GREEN}$current_branch${YELLOW}')?${RESET}" |
read "pr_confirmation?Type 'y' to confirm or 'n' to cancel (default: n): " |
pr_confirmation=${pr_confirmation:-n} |
if [[ "$pr_confirmation" != "y" ]]; then |
read "create_pr_confirmation?Do you want to create PR (pull request) now? (default: y): " |
create_pr_confirmation=${create_pr_confirmation:-y} |
if [[ "$create_pr_confirmation" == "y" ]]; then |
repo_url=$(git config --get remote.origin.url) |
# Convert SSH URL to HTTPS |
if [[ "$repo_url" == [email protected]:* ]]; then |
repo_url=$(echo "$repo_url" | sed -E 's/git@github\.com:(.*)\.git/https:\/\/github.com\/\1/') |
elif [[ "$repo_url" == *.git ]]; then |
repo_url=$(echo "$repo_url" | sed -E 's/\.git$//') |
fi |
pull_request_url="${repo_url}/compare/${branch_name}...${current_branch}" |
echo "Opening: $pull_request_url" |
open "$pull_request_url" |
exit 0 |
else |
echo "Operation cancelled." |
exit 1 |
fi |
fi |
# Tag creation flow |
read "tag_name?Enter the tag name (${tag_hint} - suggested[default]: $suggested_tag): " |
tag_name=${tag_name:-$suggested_tag} |
[[ -z "$tag_name" ]] && { echo "Tag name required. Exiting."; exit 1; } |
echo "Using branch: ${GREEN}$branch_name${RESET} and tag: ${GREEN}$tag_name${RESET}" |
read "confirmation?Do you want to proceed? (default: y): " |
confirmation=${confirmation:-y} |
[[ "$confirmation" != "y" ]] && { echo "Operation cancelled."; exit 1 } |
# Switch to the specified branch |
echo "${YELLOW}Switching to branch ${GREEN}$branch_name${RESET}..." |
git checkout "$branch_name" || { echo "Failed to checkout branch $branch_name"; exit 1; } |
# Pull the latest changes from the remote repository |
echo "${YELLOW}Pulling latest changes for branch ${GREEN}$branch_name${RESET}..." |
git pull origin "$branch_name" || { echo "Failed to pull latest changes for branch $branch_name"; exit 1; } |
# Create the tag |
echo "${YELLOW}Creating tag ${GREEN}$tag_name${RESET}..." |
git tag -a "$tag_name" -m "Tag version $tag_name" || { echo "Failed to create tag"; exit 1; } |
# Push the tag to origin |
echo "${YELLOW}Pushing tag ${GREEN}$tag_name${RESET} to origin..." |
git push origin "$tag_name" || { echo "Failed to push tag to origin"; exit 1; } |
echo "${GREEN}Success! Tag $tag_name created on $branch_name.${RESET}" |