We have index.html file in S3 bucket under a folder called /about-us/. When checking in browser using CloudFront distribution link, custom-domain.com/about-us/ shows AccessDenied
But, custom-domain.com/about-us/index.html works fine and show content.
We want custom-domain.com/about-us/ to show the index.html content.
- Sign into the AWS Management Console and open the S3 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3/home
- Choose the name of your bucket and then choose Properties
- Choose Static website hosting
- You will see the website endpoint of your S3 bucket which will be in the format: http://example-bucket.s3-website-region.amazonaws.com/
- Copy the website endpoint without the "http://" we will need to add this to CloudFront
- Open the CloudFront console and choose your distribution.
- On the Origins and Origin Groups Tab choose your S3 origin and choose Edit.
- For Origin Domain Name copy and paste the website endpoint of your S3 bucket with static website hosting.
- Choose Yes, Edit.
- You will notice that the Origin Type will change from S3 Origin to Custom Origin. It will take about 15 minutes to deploy the changes to all the Edge locations.
I spent 12 hours becuz of this issue.... Thank you so much..........!!!