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Last active January 9, 2024 04:00
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Fedora Sericea Setup

First things first, the default font is not intended for the swaybar config that comes with Sericea.

Install a Custom Font

Download a font (e.g. JetBrains Mono) from NerdFonts and extract to .local/share/fonts.

Terminal Config

The default terminal is foot, which can be customized by adding $HOME/.config/foot/foot.ini.

Sample foot config:



/etc/xdg/foot/foot.ini can be used as an example.

For foot to have a terminal bell, add a file named ~/.local/bin/alarm, run chmod +x ~/.local/bin/alarm, and put these contents in it:

speaker-test -t sine -f 1000 & pid=$! ; sleep 0.1s ; kill -9 $pid

Sway Config

cp /etc/sway/config ~/.config/sway/config

Reading ~/.config/sway/config will help you know what the keybindings are.

nvim ~/.config/sway/config.d/60-bindings-caps-to-esc.conf

font pango:JetBrainsMono Medium 8 

# swaymsg -t get_inputs | less
input "2821:257:Asus_TouchPad" {
    tap enabled
    middle_emulation enabled
    natural_scroll enabled

input "type:keyboard" {
  xkb_options caps:escape 
  # xkb_options escape:backquote
  # repeat_delay 100

bindgesture swipe:right workspace prev
bindgesture swipe:left workspace next

cp -r /etc/xdg/waybar ~/.config/waybar
nvim ~/.config/waybar

Common Apps

rpm-ostree install \
  wf-recorder \
  gimp \
  fritzing \
  ffmpeg-free \
  ripgrep \
  vlc \
  openscad \
  neovim \
  qutebrowser \
  cmake gcc gcc-c++ make


flatpak install flathub com.ultimaker.cura
flatpak install flathub org.freecadweb.FreeCAD



Remove edges, title bar, and make window float:

# ffplay -fflags nobuffer -framedrop -flags low_delay -i /dev/video0
for_window [app_id="ffplay"] floating enable, default_border none, default_floating_border none, font pango:monospace 0, titlebar_padding 1, titlebar_border_thickness 0, sticky 1

Remove title bar of a window:

for_window [app_id="firefox"] default_border none, font pango:monospace 0, titlebar_padding 1, titlebar_border_thickness 0

Add User to Group

Quite awkward, but usermod doesn't currently work for adding a user to a group. It can still be done, and I was able to add my user to the dialout group in order to access USB serial devices (Arduinos etc.):

grep -E '^dialout' /usr/lib/group | sudo tee -a /etc/group
sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER
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